FeltRoseLeaf&Ball_1Our PDF below includes the leaf patterns as well as a materials list and instructions for making these pretty felt greens. For the instructions on how to make a felt ball, head on over to this post. Use good quality felts and a low temperature glue gun to put these felt flower greens together – you can shop this project below! Tomorrow we will be sharing the felt rose buds to complete the bouquet. 


There is only one thing that we love more than sharing our flower patterns and that is seeing how you guys interpret them at home. If you are inspired to have a go, feel free to share pics with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #DIYDreamingWithLia. We will always share our faves! 

For more in our DIY flower series, take a look at our paper flower patterns over here. Or you can find more cute felt projects in our felt series over this way – see you there! ~ Lia & team

