Get Ready: Organization Printables

Get Ready: Organization Printables

Hello everyone!

Here are a few printables for you that you can use to get ready for the class!

In this workshop, I have set up my 1″ ring binder that has a clear cover for you to slide in the class printed cover and spine. This will give you a place to keep all of your workbook pages for this class. You will find a PDF of a binder cover that includes a second page with two spine-size options. My binder has the plastic cover where I simply slid the printed cover into the pocket, then trimmed my spine piece to fit the smaller pocket. I found these work best on card stock paper.

Using up the extra space on the spine page, I have added a few templates for you to use for your crepe paper swatch sheets. When I started making crepe paper flowers, one of the first things I did was create a swatch sheet to organize my crepe paper colors and types. It is a great reference to have on hand. You will find a 3-page PDF that includes the Lia Griffith extra-fine, heavy, and double-sided crepe paper where you can cut and glue your swatches onto the labeled sheet and keep them in your binder. I also like to print these on the card stock paper and either put them into the binder or use a clipboard.

The final PDF is one sheet that you can print onto a full sheet label paper, then trim and place onto envelopes to store your templates and crepe pieces as we create our flowers in this course.

If you would like to see more about the crepe swatch sheets, check out this video!

See you in February!


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