Needle-Felted Penguin

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The next project in our felt bird series is our rather cute needle-felted penguin. We call him Percy and we have to admit to being a little bit in love. He is fun to make, even for crafters who are new to needle-felting.
Our trick is to use a small foam egg to form the body. Then cover the foam egg in a layer of white felt roving and poke it repeatedly with a roving needle until the felt sticks to the foam form. Using an old needle for this is ideal as it will blunt slightly! You can make a felt ball for the penguin’s head and attach this to the body using the same technique. If you need help with that, hop over to this post to learn how to make a felt ball.
Ice to Meet You
To make your own needle-felted penguins, print the pattern and materials list and instructions below. Then use that template to cut out the flippers, feet, beak, and scarf. You can also make a little iceberg in peacock-colored felt for your penguin to rest on! Our step-by-step tutorial below makes this project super achievable for everyone from fledgling crafters to seasoned felters.
For more from our felt bird series, fly on over this way for more projects. And be sure to sign up for our annual membership to get the patterns for all future projects in the series (and lots more!). You can also follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram to make sure you never miss a project from our busy little studio! See you there! ~ Lia
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- Cricut Maker
- Craft Scissors
- Sewing Needle
- Lia Griffith Felting Pad
- Lia Griffith Needle Felting Needle Holder
- Lia Griffith Felting Needles – pack of 6
- Low-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Small Egg-Shaped Form or Needle Felting Core Wool
- Needle Felting Roving Wool – Licorice and Natural White
- Lia Griffith’s Wool Blend Felt – White, Black, Dove (formerly Silver), Cyan, and Turquoise (formerly Aqua)
- Embroidery Floss to Match
- Stuffie Puff
- Flatten the wider end of your egg by pushing it against a table.
- Using a felting needle, poke white roving felt into your egg. Foam balls can be replaced with the core wool and it will keep your needles sharper longer.
- With the foam block underneath, form a ball with your felting needle, leaving some loose felt on one side.
- Put this felted ball on top of your egg, with the loose felt coming down around the body.
Full tutorial available for members. Join here!
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Ask Lia or the community!
How do you all do it? The level of your imaginations is way out there, must be so wonderful to be able to create such wondrous critters then be able to show us how to make them ourselves.So fantastic you share all these little critters and all other projects with us.
I could hardly wait to get on here today to see what the project of the day would be. Didn’t let myself turn on pc til I had gotten bathroom cleaned really well. Been doing lick and promise til was able to give it good scrub a dub. Feel so much better knowing bathroom and kitchen clean. Hubs cleaned guest bath. Now we just have mud room to give good cleaning, got our room and living room done Tuesday. Aaaahhh, does that feel good. I just don’t feel right til my house is clean, its hard to be patient til I can do cleaning and hubs helps by vacuuming. I can use our little stick vacuum but other one too heavy for me.
Have to wait til I can get more ink cartridges to print this little penguin out. I’ts so darned sweet, want to make lots of them. Will have to get a special place to keep all my critters.
You have great rest of day and weekend coming up. Thanks so much for sharing these projects with us.
How wonderful to give your house a nice thorough cleaning! I’m sure it feels nice. I’m happy to hear you love these felted critters! There will be more coming up in the future 😉
He’s too cute for words!! I’m anxious to try this one out!! All your felted bird projects are truly amazing. This one will be a great addition to my bird collection.
Thank you so much!! There will of course be more birds in the future 😉