Last Minute Kids Ninja Sword and Stars

Slay the trick-or-treating scene with our DIY kids ninja costume and this cool-as-can-be ninja sword and stars! No-sew and so easy to craft… the perfect ensemble for a last minute costume that’s sure to impress. Even the littlest warriors will love this costume! Gather the supplies listed below and get your little ninjas ready to slay the Halloween scene!
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Warrior Wardrobe
- Gather the tools and materials listed above.
- Apply silver glitter iron-on to grey felt before cutting, following the product instructions.
- Cut out the paper pattern for the sword and tape it together where indicated. On the non-glitter side of the felt, trace around using a pencil or fabric marker. Mirror the pattern to make the other side of the sword and cut it out. Note — you only need to make sure the “blade” of the sword is cut out in silver glitter because the handle will be covered.
- Trace and cut out the sword pattern on extra firm fusible interfacing, slightly smaller than the sword. Iron onto one of the sword pieces.
Full tutorial available for members. Join here!
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We want to hear from you! Always feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. And remember to use #MadeWithLia when sharing photos of your latest work — your creativity never fails to inspire. Happy crafting ~ Lia & Team
- Scissors
- Rotary Cutter, Mat, and Ruler (recommended)
- Iron, Ironing Board, and Press Cloth
- Low-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Lia Griffith’s Wool Blend Felt – Dove, Black, and Ruby
- Iron-on – Silver Glitter
- Fusible Interfacing – Extra Firm 71F and Craft-Fuse 808
- Fusible Web
- Quilter’s Batting
- Pencil or Fabric Marker
- Grey Marker (to match felt)
All the Goodies You Can't Google 🎁
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Ask Lia or the community!
Where are the instructions for the hood piece?
The hood piece is a ski mask or hoodie that you can purchase.