Studio_Tour_1Today I wanted to share a very special room as part of my home tour series. Earlier this year I expanded my little one-person studio into a team of 8 – all of whom are dedicated to designing, making and sharing inspiring DIY projects with you guys every day. As we have grown, we have had to repurpose a couple rooms in my small house and eventually we burst a little at the seams and had to build a garden studio with the sole purpose of housing our handmade and thrifted collection of props and as our full time photography studio. This provides us with the perfect space for photographing all that comes out of our busy work space. For the first couple years my photography studio was my dining room table with a homemade backdrop, so finally having a space that doesn’t have to be dismantled every night makes us much more efficient at our job!

I hired a contractor friend to help me with this project. We started with a Tuff Shed base that sits right on the former cement pad from the previous garage. They arrived in the morning and had the shell complete by mid afternoon. We then began personalizing the little space with walls and flooring. Most of the finishes you see in my studio are recycled – the flooring, the wooden paneled walls, the shelving units. It’s simple and honest which makes it a really lovely space to be in. Those organic textures and colors provide the perfect space in which to create our daily vignettes for photo shoots. I just love being out there. Someday, when our business moves to an office space outside my home, I will repurpose this space as my painting studio, or perhaps a yoga room. . . or maybe a little guest cottage. So many possibilities. Enjoy the mini tour ~ Lia

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