Summer has arrived, and the urge to decorate our homes with vibrant touches is stronger than ever. This month's collection focuses on bringing the wild beauty of summer indoors. Today's project is a spin on an ancient art form — the woven basket! But instead of reeds or grasses, we'll use modern materials to create this lovely and functional Cardstock and Cord Woven basket!

Woven Wonders

This project is perfect for big and little makers alike. You can use a cutting machine to create the basket's foundation, but no worries if you don't have one — download the PDF version of our template and cut by hand. But remember to watch little fingers closely around those detail scissors! Now gather your materials, and away we go!

Basket weaving has a storied history, spanning cultures and centuries. From Native American tribes to African villages, baskets have been essential for gathering food and treasures. Today, we honor this tradition by infusing it with vibrant Lia Griffith cardstock and sturdy macrame cord, creating a basket that's both functional and beautiful

Crafting this Cardstock & Cord Woven Basket is a blast, especially with kids! Picture your little maker's excitement as you weave together shades of ecru, ivy, and ginger to craft the perfect summer basket. Each strand tells a story of outdoor adventures and sunny days.

Once you finish your Cardstock and Cord Woven Basket, you'll be surprised at all the little treasures it will hold. I can see it filled with seashells from a beach outing, colorful pebbles collected on a nature walk, or a handful of special toys. With that said – it's just the right size for holding all your summer memories.

Whether your creation is proudly displayed or filled with riches from your very own backyard adventures, share the magic with our crafting community. Post your photos and stories in our crafter's community, or tag us on Instagram with #MadeWithLia.

