diy cookie and hot chocolate bar

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly. Never let go of the magic you make. Celebrate moments together with Shutterfly Home Decor this holiday season. 

Get Cocoa Cozy with this Creative Party Concept

What better way to celebrate the colder months than with a DIY cookie and hot chocolate bar? Our “cocoa cozy” party concept is as sweet as it is simple to pull off. With the help of our friends at Shutterfly, we created a set of thematic partyware — jarsglassesplates, mugscandles, a cutting board, a table runner, tea towels and a serving tray — all labeled in a cute and cozy font. Head out to your local bakery or try your hand at your own “joyfully ginger,” “charmingly chocolate” and “sugary shortbread” cookies, which can be served in the jars. Gather some delicious toppings to serve in the glasses — “dazzle,” “delight,” “enchant,” “love,” “magic” and “sparkle.” Customize your mugs with the names of your guests — a fun party favor for everyone to take home at the end of the soiree!

We love working with Shutterfly because of their gorgeous options for customization. All of the partyware for our cocoa cozy party is customizable, so let your creativity run wild! What are your favorite holiday traditions? Head over to Shutterfly for help making all of our holiday dreams come true…

cookie and hot cocoa bar Mugs 

hot cocoa partyPlates  | Teatowel 

diy cookie barGlasses

diy winter partyCandles

hot chocolate and cookie barGlass Jars

diy cookie and cocoa barGlass Jars

diy cookie partyGlass Jars

diy winter partyCutting Board

hot chocolate partyMugs

cookie decorating partyGlasses

diy cookie bar partyGlasses

winter treat barPlates

hot chocolate bar partyPlates | Mugs

diy hot cocoa and cookie partyMugs | Plates | Teatowel

hot chocolate and cookiesMugs | Plates

cookie decorating diyServing Tray | Glasses 

cocoa and cookie barGlass Jars | Mugs | Plates | Table Runner

diy cookie and cocoa barServing Tray

diy winter treat partyTea Towel

cookie and hot cocoa bar

More to Explore

Last year, we created another awesome conceptual party with Shutterfly — our bourbon and chocolate tasting. Let both of these conceptual parties inspire you to create your own! 

For more DIY inspiration, join us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter. To start crafting with us today, sign up for your very own Lia Griffith membership — just $10 a month or $100 for the year! Questions? Feedback? We want to hear from you. And don’t forget to use #MadeWithLia when sharing photos of your latest creations… you are our greatest inspiration. Cheers ~ Lia & Team

