Printable Scavenger Hunt

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This is our spin on the popular scavenger hunt printable game for kids! Scroll down to download our free nature scavenger hunt and encourage your little ones to play outdoors for a bit. We have more than 12 options so you can mix and match depending on what you’ll find in your area.
Also, since many of us are spending more time inside right now, we will have a free indoor version of this scavenger hunt next Wednesday.
Unbe-leaf-ably Fun (and Free!)
Our nature scavenger hunt printable is a simple way for your family to have fun outside without having to travel very far. Just grab an empty egg carton and watch as your little ones search for leaves, twigs, rocks, and more. As they fill up their egg carton, they can label each item they’ve found — or just wait until they’re home to finish labeling.
We printed our nature scavenger hunt on 8.5″x11″ label paper and stuck each piece onto our egg carton. But you can also just use regular paper and glue the pieces on. If you have pinking shears handy, you can also give each piece a fun little zig-zag edge like we did.
Ready to play? Just download our free printable at the bottom of this post.
Want more ideas? If you’re a member, you can also make this cute insect shirt for your little outdoor explorer. And if you gather some pine cones along the way, be sure to check out our pine cone crafts!
For daily DIY inspiration, join us on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Or browse our video tutorials on paper flowers, home décor, and more.
All the Goodies You Can't Google 🎁
Tired of scrolling endlessly for the perfect project? Save time, money, and Google-induced headaches with us! Our membership makes it easy to create beautifully finished crafts without needing to look all over the internet for ideas and materials or spend lots of money on individual videos and templates.
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Ask Lia or the community!
I’m so excited to try this out with the kids! Thank you!
Thank you for such thoughtfulness! These are lovely and just perfect with the pictures for our little readers.
simple and fun for my little girl (and me). THX
Thank you. This will be fun for my grand daughter.
Very creative for the kiddos!
This is so adorable! Thank You Lia and Team!!