
To make an origami box for your string lights, go ahead and follow our simple tutorial below. It’s an easy step-by-step process but your finished product will benefit from a little accuracy, so try to fold with care. Once you have made as many boxes as you need, you can gently pop the bulbs through the top of each box along your string of lights. Hang them from your tree, in the window or wrap them around a painted branch like we have below. 

We’d love to see how you use your origami box string lights – share your pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #DIYDreamingWithLia and we will share our faves. We look forward to seeing your handiwork! Enjoy! ~ Lia

New_Years_Origami_Box_Lights Origami_Box_New_Years_LightsOrigami_Box_Tutorial