watercolor tattoo eggs

For this project we used Silhouette’s temporary tattoo paper and blown eggs to make your ink last. We tatted up our eggs with beautiful watercolor designs done in house by Lia’s daughter, Emily. Creating your own watercolor tattoo eggs is super simple and there are no needles involved! Just gather the tools and materials listed below and follow along with our steps.

Browse more Easter projects here.


  1. Gather tools and materials. Note: the PDF is already reversed for you.
  2. Print tattoos onto the glossy side of the tattoo paper (the white sheet). When ink is dry, apply the adhesive sheet to the top of the page by peeling away a corner of the green backing, aligning it with the printed tattoo paper, and then peeling away the rest of the back while smoothing it down onto the paper. Use a scraper tool to smooth the adhesive sheet onto the printed paper, removing any wrinkles.
  3. Cut around the edge of the designs.
  4. Take a cut out tattoo and peel away the clear plastic layer, exposing the adhesive. Apply the tattoo’s adhesive side to the egg.

Full tutorial available for members. Join here!

easter eggs watercolor easter eggs watercolor tattoo eggswatercolor easter eggs artistic easter eggs easter egg decorating blown easter eggsMore to Explore

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