Back To School Labels

It’s August already and the kids are back to school in less than three weeks! It’s time to source those supplies and prepare to get back into the school routine. Today we are sharing a selection of cute back to school labels to help you and your kiddos get organized for the year ahead. You will find five sheets of labels each with their own uses. Hosted by World Label there are three patterned sheets which can be printed on a full sheet labels and wrapped around your child’s pencils and crayons, notebooks and binders. We also have two sheets of labels which you can use to label your child’s books, lunch packs and belongings. To customize these with your child’s name or initials first download the free font Courier Prime to your computer. Once you have this, pop over to World Label to purchase your full sheet labels and to download our cute label files. Open the label PDF in Adobe Acrobat or reader, make your edits and print onto your full sheet labels. (Note that you will not be able to edit in your browser window). You are set and ready for the first day of school!
Stay tuned for more back to school goodies from the Lia Griffith studio or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for up to date inspiration, projects and tutorials! See you there! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Amazed t see the brazilian community over here!
I’m in love with your work and trying to edit the labels for my 2 year old daughter. It’s hard work since I can’t write it using the correct font (I’ve downloaded it just right) using PDF Writer… So I’m trying to erase it all with photoshop 🙁
Hi Fernanda! Make sure you download the PDF to your desktop and open in Adobe Reader and not editing it in your web browser– that causes font problems sometimes.
Liah, it’s just too much in his creations !! Fantastic! Loved these school files, used for my 6 year old son, he loved it !!!But I wanted it blue, by chance is to change the color (of the items in red / yellow?) … Are beautiful. We truly love! I’m from Brazil. (not notice my English, so long ago that no training … lol)
So glad you like them!! Unfortunately I cannot go back and change the colors
No problem using them anyway .. are awesome !!! I love the things you do and thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much!!
How do you know what size paper to use?
we printed ours on 81/2×11″ and then trimmed them to fit our supplies
What glue for the pencil tags? Are you able to sharpen it after?
We actually used a label paper and it does work with a sharpener. 😉
Dear Lia!
I just love your work, as colorful and delicate!
I will print these templates for my nephews !
I´m live in Brazil and already some time ago’ve been following yours works,
Thank you for sharing so many beautiful thing !!
Hello Brazil!
My kids loved these last year. I homeschool and the personalized labels added a much needed pizzazz to their first day. I’m so glad to find you’ve made a new version for us. Thank you!
How fun! And congratulations on being a rockstar and homeschooling!
These are sooooo cute!!! I can’t wait to download them and make all my my son’s back to school supplies look super cute! Thanks for all you guys do!
Thank you and best of luck with back to school!
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