Blush Watercolor Thank You Cards

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After all of the effort and time that it takes to plan a wedding, it can be easy to forget that you have to send out thank you cards to your guests after the big day is over. Here are the blush watercolor thank you cards that match our Blush Watercolor Wedding Set! Just as with the other paper goods in this set, we designed these in collaboration with Cricut. Because we wanted to make this available to people with and without a cutting machine, there are papercut and non-papercut versions for the items in the set. Download the non-papercut version of our blush thank yous below, or find the papercut version on Cricut’s website.
On this card the names and date are both editable. Start by downloading and installing the free fonts Antonio Bold and Majesti Banner. Use Antonio Bold to customize the names and Majesti Banner to add in your wedding date. Once you have edited the thank you cards, print them onto 8.5 x 11 white card stock and trim to size. You can leave a small white border on your cards like we have, or you can cut the cards to be all blush. After you cut your cards, they are a standard A2 size. Head to your local stationery store to pick out a pretty envelope, or browse Paper-Papers to choose one of our favorite metallic envelopes! Check the Shop this Project section for a link.
The downloads below also include a matching blush painted envelope liner and printable mailing labels. Print the envelope liner onto regular copy paper and glue it to the inside of your envelope. Use full sheet label paper for the mailing labels, trim each mailing label individually, and hand-write the addresses. Congrats to all the newlyweds and soon-to-be newlyweds! Browse all of our wedding paper goods and always feel free to write in with suggestions for wedding projects that you would like to see on the site. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, or head to our membership page to start downloading. Cheers! ~ Lia
Anthracite Metallic Envelopes | Coral Metallic Envelopes
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