Crepe Paper Calathea Plant

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A Leaf Motif
Our crepe paper calathea plant is as simple as it is fun to create! This pretty paper plant project will liven up your home with its bright greens and whimsical shapes. Featuring our new heavy crepe, as well as some of our extra fine, it’s okay to get a little crepe cray over projects like these. Simply gather the supplies listed below and craft along with our photo tutorial at the bottom of the page…
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- Lia Griffth Crepe Paper — Heavy Clover and Extra-Fine Merlot
- Green Paper-Covered Floral Wire – 18-Gauge
- Copic Marker in YG17
- Faber-Castell Marker in White
- Fusible Web
How to Make a Crepe Paper Calathea Plant
- Gather the tools and materials listed above. Then download the pattern below.
- Iron the crepe papers together with fuse, making sure the grain lines are going in the same direction. Watch this video on how to make your own double-sided crepe paper!
- Cut out the leaves according to the pattern.
- Glue both sides of the leaf with 18-gauge floral wire in between.
Full tutorial available for members only. Join here!
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Tired of scrolling endlessly for the perfect project? Save time, money, and Google-induced headaches with us! Our membership makes it easy to create beautifully finished crafts without needing to look all over the internet for ideas and materials or spend lots of money on individual videos and templates.
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Ask Lia or the community!
I am new at this. What does it mean to fuse the two papers or colors and how do I do this. Thanks Alice willard
Here’s a video with more details!