crepe paper monster piñata

Our crepe paper monster piñata looks like a romaine lettuce head, which is why we have named him Ramone. Of course you can always choose other colors besides green and name your paper mache monster whatever you like. Or, since this is a fun kid’s craft, let your little one decide what to call their creation!

To make our paper mache piñata look more like a monster, we gave him some horns, arms, and a lot of fluff. He is also a bit mischievous, which is why his tongue is sticking out. Plus we think monster decorations should be cute and silly, anyway.

When you’re ready to make your own crepe paper monster piñata, just gather the supplies you need from our list below. Then download the pattern and watch our video tutorial.


paper mache monster piñata

crepe paper monster piñata

paper mache monster

DIY crepe paper monster

handmade crepe paper monster piñata

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For more fun craft projects like this one, check out our other paper mache projects. Or find more Halloween crafts here.


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