Dahlias & Butterflies Paper Dress

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The process of making a paper dress is very special to me. It was especially a treat to design these dresses because of the ways that I was able to showcase them. This first butterfly dress was created for a lupus fundraising event for Molly’s Fund. The butterfly is symbolic to their logo. The Dahlia dress was created for a runway show here in Portland. Photos by Quavondo, hair and makeup by Madeline Roosevelt.
This butterfly dress was commissioned by emota for their piece filmed for Hanvon and their Mirasol displays. The last image is my concept sketch for this project. You can view the complete video below. Makeup by Valerie Vonprisk, hair by Reyna Soto.
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LIA,This is LOVE..Totally amazing!!!
Please teach these lovely dresses..
Thank You so much:)
Thank you! Maybe one day 🙂
WOW! You are an artist, those dresses are amazing. I saw the video showing a bit of how you made them… a lot of work, but totally worth it.
Thanks Cris! I am working on making more right now. . . in my spare moments. haha.
Hi Lia,
I am doing a project for my fashion degree and was wondering if you could help me by sending some information on the sort of paper you use for your dresses and if you treat them with anything to makes them stronger/ not tearable? Also what is the concept/theme behind your designs and how does it weigh or feel to wear? is this something that is included in the design process? any help would be amazing, your creations are so beautiful! if you could please reply to emma_catrin@hotmail.com
Hi Emma, There is a link on the post prior to this to a video that may give you some ideas on my process. I have used both copy paper that I print on both sides and recycled magazine paper. I don’t treat the paper at all. I like it to be temporary and authentic. They do tear occasionally when worn, but I feel that is part of the experience. They are actually very light and the models love to wear them. The addition of the corset base make them fit well and stay in place. As for my concept, each is different, but my style is always ballgown elegant. Does this help?
Thankyou Lia, you have been a big help. Can’t wait to see your new dresses!
Everything you make is beautiful. You are very talented. I am going to make the garlands of flowers for a wall to be a back drop for wedding pictures as well as make the flowers for my wedding.The wedding will be intimate and simple but beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent and ideas. Take care.
Wonderful Melissa! I am working on some new items for wedding in the next few months too.
Hi Lia,
in School we also have to make our own paper Dress.We have to get Inspiration from the nature.I’m going to design a Dress of a flamingo.Maybe you’ve some ideas because I saw your dresses in the Internet and I was fascinated of them ! There are so pretty !I know that doing a paper Dress ist a lot of hard work.So I hope you could give me some tipps and more ideas !
Thank you
yours Charlotte
Hi Charlotte. You can watch this video interview I did and it shows some of my process. Good luck. http://watch.opb.org/video/1560077707/
Lia… wow… These are breath taking… I would love to feature your work either on our website or in our printed magazine Natural Child World.
Thanks Jessica! Yes, shoot me an email at lia@liagriffith.com and we can make arrangements.
Hi again Lia! I was just wondering what paper you used? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t seem to find it. If possible could you please send to me where you got it from or a photocopy or digital image of that paper. I would really appreciate this. Thank you so much for your help!
I designed most of the prints myself (other than the Vogue magazine dresses) and printed onto 11×17 paper. This is just a common printer paper but I used a laser printer and often printed on both sides. Does that help. Honestly, you can use any kind of paper, gift wrap, wall paper, whatever you can imagine.
Hi! I was browsing on the Internet for a design for my school art project. My project is wearable art and the theme is dreamland. I would love to try and make this butterfly dress but add my own touches to make it different. I was just wondering how you made it and with what materials! This would help so much! Thanks lots.
Hello Emma, If you read the copy you will see that these dresses are made from paper. You can watch my OPB interview to see how I made them. Hope this helps.
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