VIDEO: DIY Felt Stick Horses

Pretty Ponies
One of the favorite games at the farm party was the felt stick horse pony rides. The kids came up with the idea to put the stick ponies in the horse pasture so they could pet them through the fence. I love the imagination of children! These little felt stick horses are so simple to make, so I wanted to share my pattern and tutorial with you.
Won’t it be fun to surprise a child in your life with a personal pony?
Thanks to Benzie Design for supplying the felt for this project. Her wool mix felt is wonderful to the touch and easy to sew—and she has a great selection of colors. We used Graphite with a black mane, Smoke with a graphite mane, and Seaside with a brown mane. For one horse, you will need a piece of 12×18 inch felt for the head and ears and one 9×12 inch felt for the mane.
The other supplies are: batting filler, two small black buttons, a 4′ long 5/8″ dowel, embroidery thread and an optional ribbon for the neck. The tools you will need are: pinking shears, fabric scissors, sewing machine (though a hand stitch would be gorgeous on this horse), embroidery needle, and a hot glue gun.
I have included a printable pattern for you to download and print at the end of this post. Enjoy! ~ Lia
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Thank you so much for the pattern and detailed instructions! My mom and I made 15 for my son’s Rootin’ TWO-tin’ Cowboy Birthday Party! We will use them as favors and for something for the kids to play with at the party. Thank you, again!
I love that! So cute! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
This is a fantastic project! I’m using these for a Kentucky Derby event horse race. They are so fun and just darn cute!!
These are one of my original projects from 11 years ago! I still adore these little horses. 🙂
How big is the head? The pattern is only 6 inches from the top of the head to the bottom of the neck.
You can enlarge or make the pattern smaller as you see fit. When you stuff the head, it will make the final piece smaller.
Love your ideas, and I love horses they are one of my fav animals including dragons (any but love httyd) dinosaurs, birds and more. defiantly going to make them in school. Thank you for making so many free pattern ( can’t find many that I like, and the ones I do like are for money) thanks a lot!!!!!
Making these horses with bases for a horse racing game for the residents at my nursing home. Thanks for the cute pattern!
Oh how lovely 🙂
I made them and stitched them by hand! I love them and my grandkids loved them too!
Oh I’m so glad to hear this 🙂
Great little hobby horse. I just made four and changed the mane to yarn. Looks super cute. I made mine all based on real horses in my life.
What a great idea Kate! We would love to see photos of your finished horses 🙂 You can share them on our member facebook page.
Love this! Do you have an option to purchase the template without becoming a member?
Thanks Ashley! We aren’t able to sell single downloads but you can always sign up for a 1-month membership and cancel after you have downloaded the projects you want.
Thanks, Ana! The pattern is available at the bottom of the post for members to download. Find our more about our membership options here:
Hi Lia – I need to make 50 of these stick horses and I was hoping to be able to cut them with my new Cricut Maker. I uploaded your pattern to cricut but it has very fine jagged edges, therefore it takes the cricut forever to cut one. Of course I can cut by hand, but I wanted to ask if you have any suggestions first. Thank you!
Hi Amy! I uploaded an SVG file that will work with the Maker 🙂
Thank you!!
I am still looking for the pattern? Cannot find it. Want to make some for the kids school’s funday! Thanks!
Hi, the pattern is available to download at the end of the post, after the last photo 🙂
What a wonderful handcrafted idea! I am definitely going to try it! I hope it will be as beautiful as yours!. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Thank you, have fun!!
I think my boys need these for Christmas.
SUCH a great gift idea 🙂
I click the link you said the pattern will be and keep sending me to this page.
Still available?
Scroll down and you’ll find the link to download at the bottom of the page 🙂
Is this not a free download. It is saying i need to be a member???
I’m sorry for that confusion! This download is for members only
I am unable to find the pattern to download
The link is at the bottom of the post.
Hi Lia. I was wondering if these could be made out of a non stretch cotton fabric rather than felt? Was thinking maybe something with pretty flowers or patterns.
I don’t see why not! That sounds adorable!
Being a true horse lover, I am in love with this project. It is the perfect Christmas, birthday or just for fun gift for any future horse lover. Thank you for sharing!
You are so welcome! I also love the idea of using this craft for a themed birthday party 😉
I wanted to thank you for this great pattern! I made 16 horses, super sized for teens, for our annual play at my acting school in Los Angeles last summer. It was an Epic Western (silly and fun). The horses added just the right touch of being completely cool yet ridiculous and awesome looking without distracting from the actors. The teens were elated when I told them that they could keep them after the show was over! I don’t know how to share photos on this site, but if you are interested, you can see some photos on our Young Actors Space Facebook page under Albums/Treasure of the West.
Thank again for sharing this perfect pattern!
Oh my goodness! How adorable. Just love the photos of the play and we would like to share them on our Facebook page as well if you are okay with that. Well done!!
Thank you so much for sharing your idea and pattern! I am in the process of making 7 of these horses for my daughters 4th cowgirl birthday party. Such a fun craft to do together for her big day. We plan on using them for games and as our party gift to our guest 🙂
What a perfect gift (and so easy to make). Share photos of the party!
These are adorable! My daughter is having a Humpty Dumpty 3rd Birthday Party and I am making about 10 of these so we can have “All the Kings Horses” She is very excited about the horses! 🙂 Thank you so much for the free pattern! I just love it!
That sounds like a blast!!! Warms my heart to hear that you will use the horse pattern. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Would love to see some pictures!!! (
I love these! They are adorable. I’m hoping to make some for christmas, but i’m wondering about how much each horse cost to make?
I have found that the materials, even if you are using a nice felt are around $5 a horse. Not bad!
Hi Lisa, making about 15 pink horses for my daughters shabby chic cowgirl party. May I ask how you sewed the buttons on. I would think it would be easier to do before stuffing? Or did you sew them both on at the same time “through the stuffing” from one side to the other? Can’t get my head around it 🙂
I am interested in having these made. Can you send me the contact information? Thanks!!
Hi Brittany! The Felt Stick horses are a DIY project, I have included a pattern and instructions in the post.
I love these and just bought all the supplies to make many for my daughters “cowgirl” birthday party! (She will fuss at you if you call it a cowboy birthday party)
Thank you for sharing! It appears you top-stitched the heads- did you do anything special or is just a plain top stitch? I think the Pinking shears gave it a cute look, too.
It is a cowgirl party for her! haha. I did a simple top stitch on the machine. Nothing fancy. You are right, it is the pinking sheer edge that gives it a finished look.
When I print the pattern out on 8/12 x 11 it looks so small – is that right or do I have the settings on the printer wrong?
In your print window make sure it says to print full size not fit to page. This should do the trick.
Can these be made with felt from a craft store to make them a tad more affordable?
Felt is quite affordable in most places. Yes, you can use craft felt and you can order the wool blend which is less than $1 a sheet too.
I’m also wondering about having someone make these for me. Can you share the info? Thank you!
I would love to buy some of these for my daughters party in a few weeks. Do you sell them?
Would love to be put in touch with them. Looking to make 10 for my daughter’s birthday party- worried I don’t have the time – just 3 weeks away?
Absolutely LOVE this. I am making a dozen for my son’s upcoming cowboy birthday party. Do I print the pattern on 8.5″ x 11″ paper? Also, it looks as though when you cut out yours you left a 1/4″ border. Was this for demonstration purposes only or should I leave this border when I cut mine out?
Cute!! The pattern does fit on the 8.5×11. If you are doing the pinking sheers on the edge and top stitching you will want that extra 1/4 inch. If you are doing a blanket stitch like I did on the unicorn you would trim to edge. Does that make sense?
do you sell these
I am gathering the supplies to try one of these for my fourth son’s fourth birthday party. Thank you so much for being willing to share for free. I am just a little confused on the gluing part. Am I only gluing the seams? And then there will be two small openings when I get to the sewing part? Thanks so much, Julie
You are not gluing the seams at all. Once the pieces are completely sewn togethers (with ears and mane) you will just glue the inside base of the felt neck onto the wood to keep it from sliding off. Then you will wrap it with string or ribbon. Glue and felt and not a great match, so I only use it to keep it in place not to hold things together.
I didn’t use your pattern, but I used your idea for inspiration and made my niece a “hobby unicorn” for her birthday. I’m super pleased with how it turned out.
So cute. Love the pom pom trim. I will be posting a unicorn very soon.
Thank you for sharing this! These will be perfect for my daughter and son’s cowgirl/cowboy party 🙂
Make sure you check out all of the farm party posts that I did for more ideas!
Thanks for this Lia! I will be making a few of these little guys for my daughters stick horse race for rodeo day at daycare. Love the simplicity of this project as well as it’s outcome. They look terrific!
How fun!! You can shorten the stick for her height and add a foam ball at the end of the stick to keep it from scratching the floor.
I have to do a photoshoot this Saterday of a girl. She does horsebackriding so how great would this horse be as a prop!
As soon as I have edit the photos I will share some. Thanks all the way from The Netherlands…
I am excited to see them! Do share.
Lovely horse. I’m going to make it for my grabdson. Thank you so much for giving the pattern.
He will love it! So happy to share.
Our adopted grandson is having a cowboy party and his single mom is on a tight budget but really wanted stick horses. I had about given up the idea due to expense when I found your pattern. Thank you so much for being generous with your creative gift!! God bless you big time!!
That makes me so happy to hear. Thank you for sharing Alecia!
Thank you for this pattern! I enlarged it from a letter size to a legal size print to get it just a bit bigger. I also couldn’t resist making one as a zebra when I found some zebra print felt!
Cute! Share photos!!
aaaw this is cute and fun to make , thank you very much of the how to and the pattern.:-D
I LOVE this project! I want to make unicorns next. . . inspired by a reader who made them for her daughter. 🙂
Lia, I can’t tell you how delighted I am to have found this pattern! You are soooo very sweet to make this wonderful treat of a pattern for us! I can’t wait to make this for my soon-to-be 2 year old granddaughter…I can picture her now galloping around the house 🙂 I’ll be sure and send pics!
Yes, yes! I want to see pictures! Add a foam ball to the end of the stick to keep from scratching your floors. 🙂
For three years now my 6 year old has been asking for a unicorn for Christmas. This will help me fulfill her impossible wish. Thank you!!
How adorable is that! Check out my Facebook page where I posted a reader’s unicorn version she made for her daughter’s birthday. SO CUTE!!!
I am so excited to have found this!! I’m making two of these for my boys (2 and 4) and my sister’s boys (3 and 5) for Christmas! Can’t wait for them to see them. They are going to love them! And I love the idea of the foam ball on the end. So many cute ideas for games with them! Thanks!
Oooh, I want to see pictures when you are done! Share on my Facebook page if you can.
Hi I wanted to make these for my sons birthday party and wanted to buy the buttons but I was wondering what size are these buttons because they have so many online. Thanks so much for this great idea!!
I would use a 1/2 or 3/4 inch button.
very nice! thank you for this pattern, but is there a bigger picture? i’m sorry my English is nit very good 🙁
but thanks!
A bigger picture for the instructions? This is as large as it comes. Sorry. If you have some questions about details, I am more than happy to help.
Thanks so much for this pattern!! My daughter had a unicorn party and I just added a horn to this pattern. They were a hit and turned out great! And SO easy which I needed for 16 horses!
Here are some pictures- I linked back to you! Thanks again!
You are BRILLIANT Marissa! These are so cute. I love what you did for the eyes, and yes, they are blissfully unicorn looking. Thanks so much for sharing the link. I may need to post that on my Facebook page too.
You are more than welcome to! Thanks again for sharing your pattern and amazing ideas!
I have been looking for a horse for my halloween costume and this is perfect. I am dressing as the statue of Lord Wellington in Glasgow. He sits on a horse and there is a traffic cone on his head in case u don’t know the statue. Thanks for the idea.
What a fun costume! So glad you found the horse.
Hi Lia;
My 12 year old son & I made 3 of your horses tonight for his school project that is due tomorrow. Thank you so much for the very easy to follow tutorial. He told me he thinks he is going to get an A!
I LOVE it! I want to see photos. That makes me happy when I hear kids are loving to craft too.
I’m somewhat craft-dumb! My daughter is having a western theme party and would love to make these as favora! what did you use to sew it, just regular thread? Thank you in advance. They are absolutely precious!
These make GREAT favors! Very affordable and the kids LOVE them. I used just a regular thread for this. You can machine or hand stitch them, which ever seems easiest for you. My only tip is to make sure the head is glued securely onto the stick with hot glue so it does not come off.
You have no idea how excited I am to find this. I have been hunting for a horse like this for the last month to go with my daughters costume! I don’t have a lot of money plus it’s only for Halloween… But with this I can even make her a pink horse! You have made my day!
Wow! That is great! Yes, these are very low cost for how cute they are. Share photos of her costume!
I searched and searched for something simple enough to do for my daughter’s 5th birthday. I found this AWESOME-yes I am shouting outloud with joy-tutorial on Friday night and had made 16 of these (5 purple, 3 green, 4 tan, 4 grey) by the following Friday morning.
When the kids arrived I told them I was so glad they were there and that we were playing hiding-go-seek with my daughter and her horse friends. The horse they found-it didn’t have to be the first horse they found and my 5 year old was the one who hid them-they could keep. They loved it and I had a hard time getting them back to the rest of the party:)
I did change a couple of things only because I am cheap. #1 I cut up t-shirts/rags to use as filler instead of fiber fill. #2 I used grey 10’X1/2″ electrical conduit cut with a pipe cutter to about 30″ so I could get 4 “sticks” from one pipe. The pipe was $1.56 for the 10 feet. (I used my sander and fine sand paper to remove the lettering from the pipe)#3 I did make a sort of ball on the top on the “stick” with an old stuffed sock and rubberband and then inserted it into the neck/head portion and finished “filling” the head so you couldn’t feel the end of the stick in the head.
Thank you a million times over for sharing your talent/post. I am truly grateful. Thanks
I LOVE your story! I love how you recycled things to make these too. Clever lady you are!
I gave one of these horses to my 18 month old nephew. I trimmed it down to fit him and to make it house friendly, I added a foam ball to the end of the stick that he would be dragging around her wooden floors.
Thank you so much for the free download and instructions! Your pictures are great. Do you print the pdf on regular 8×10 paper, or do you need larger? I can’t tell sizing exactly.
So happy you can use them! Yes, just a letter size paper for the pattern. 🙂
Divine! Thank you! I will be making these for the K. Mart Wishing Tree this year.
That is FANTASTIC Sue! That just makes me smile all over. 🙂
I used craft felt sheets from Joann fabrics and pretty much made my own horse head and ears pattern, but this was the inspiration for it. The whole project only cost me $2 to make too!! I making 14 horses for my son’s 4th birthday party. Can’t wait to get started on the bunch!!
That is fantastic! I love to hear stories like this.
This is brilliant!!! I have decided to make them for my horse obsessed little girl’s 6th birthday party, as party favors. I am then going to set up an obstacle course for the kiddos to “ride” through! Thanks so much for the idea!! 🙂
I love it! They are so simple to make and the kids just loved them. Share photos! Love the idea of the course. LOVE!!
I’m definitely going to make these with my nieces! Fun way to spend time 😀
They will love them Effie! Especially if you make them.
Ok, I got the pattern printed out finally. Where and how do I print out the picture directions?
Rosa Marie
That is great. The instructions are not set up as printable, but you can print the page or do a screen grab.
Bonsoir, j’aime beaucoup ton tuto,
dommage car je ne peux le traduire en français car tu as écrit sur les photos. Je vais le réecrire en français pour celles et ceux qui voudraient l’utiliser.
Merci car tu fais toujours de très jolis choses.
Bonne journée
Oh thank you for doing that. I wish I spoke French.
Love the horses!!! I was wondering if we could down size them and use for Christmas ornaments ?
And I used to get your news letter by e mail, how do I sign up? My e mail has changed.
I think that is a great idea! Love it! Share photos when you are done! You can sign up for emails of the posts by adding your address to the field under “see new posts in your inbox”.
Can I get e mails of your news letters ?? I can not get the horses to print ??
Rosa Marie
If you click on the button at the end of the post a PDF preview should show up. You can save that to your desktop and print from there.
Love it! My kids would go crazy… I’d love you to share it on The Crafeteria’s Pinterest Group Board
Thanks! I will do that!
FABULOUS,!! I love these horses so much, thanks for the pattern.
So happy to hear! 🙂
SUPER CUTE!!! Going to make these for my children’s photography sessions! Thank you so so cute! Will post pictures and give you credit when I use it!
What a great idea! I can’t wait to see the photos. 🙂
How adorable they are! That would be one fun party. Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks Vickie! More party photos today. 🙂
You are a genius girl, the horses heads are so adorable I can hardly wait to make some. It does look pretty easy, even for me. Just love them.
Wouldn’t they make wonderful gifts for Christmas also?
I’m mad at myself for not saving some ink in cartridges so I could print this out. Don’t get paid til next Wed.
Pinned this in 2 different boards. (in case I can’t remember), duh! I’m still looking for my black board paint and the feathers from your other great post. Very frustrating.
I found some awesome foil papers I’ve had for years I want to make some of the feathers with.
You are such an inspiration. Happy days
Yes, I was thinking Christmas gifts as well. The kid’s LOVED them. You can always download the pattern and keep it on your computer. 🙂 I love all you projects you have lined up.
Very, very nice Lia, thanks for sharing! I was looking for a cool display craft and this is perfect!! You’re amazing 🙂
Thanks Alex! I am blushing. 🙂
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