Paint Dipped Spoon Handles

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Yes, today is Wednesday which means it is “home tour day”. I am having to push that off for a few more days since I had a pirate shipwreck in my house this weekend and the clean-up crew (me) is still at work. If you missed it, you can see the Pirate Party in this post. Today I have a simple DIY that will add a splash of color to your kitchen. I always have a stash of bamboo and wooden spoons that I use daily. After I dip painted my garden tools, I got the idea that my wooden kitchen tools would look great with the same treatment. But rather than literally dip them, I did a faux dipped version by using painter’s tape and a brush. You can see my short tutorial below. Alright then. . . I am back to the clean-up crew. Cheers! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Great idea! Is the latex gloss or semi-gloss?
I use satin usually. Sometimes semi-gloss.
Hi! I’m just viewing this post after seeing on Pinterest and am in love with this simple gift! Where did you buy the wooden utencils in bulk?
I bought mine at a place called Fred Meyer, but they also have them at World Market.
I like colours in my live, so i love this idea as well.
I live in a rented appartment, i’m the first inhabiter but i could only chose out of boring colours-S
In my old appartment i had painted the kitschen closets myself, but this is an other story, this appartment is a very special type, so the rules here are very strickly to following.-S So i think this will help.
By the way, i have meadow green linoleum on my floor.LOL I love the combi of blue, turquoose and yellow and green. I have read once that colours can help you chance your mood. So my wheels are always in stong colours like bright red and orange and one pink , most people must laught of this . I found it so rare that adult only could chose in boring colours. like black and gray and sometimes the beneat part can be given a funny colour, but often people like those boring colours.
So i have pimped my big wheels that had only a bright yellow colour and all the other parts were gray and black. ugh.
You can buy beautiful prett coloured cars nowedays, so why not in wheels. I had laying around some mexican cothfabric and used it for the upside parts.
It’s a rare view, and most at t he time, i have forgotten that my wheels are looking cheerfull, and don’t understand the long view on me.LOL
So thank you for this briliant idea so i can make my boring very lightly yellow kitschen a tiny bit cheerful ;-D
By the way i love your blog and the tutes you’ve made, thank you for the generousity of sharing and all the effords you have made;-D
I loved your story Jet! You are right colors do change moods so why not pick ones that make you smile. Brilliant!!
Do you have to hand wash or can they go through the dish washer?
I don’t wash any of my wood in the dishwasher since the heat and intense water expands the fibers and eventually cracks the wood. So, yes, hand washing would be the safest.
I am in a colorblocking addiction phase! Thank you for the great idea 🙂 Quick question, what kind of paint did you use? Wondering if it is safe to mix up with food? Thank you!
PS: I heart your newsletters everyday!
I used an outdoor latex enamel for the heavy duty aspect of the paint. The paint is lead free and I don’t see the handles actually touching food, but it would be up to your comfort level if this is a good project for your kitchen. 🙂
I totally saw this exact set last week, for just a few bucks, and thought really hard about it, then left them (I think I wasn’t sure about the coating, being new to the all-natural lifestyle). But this may be inspiration enough to go back, I think!
Of course I have to ask about the care needed for these. Do you have to wash them any certain way because of the cool, new paint job?
(PS- I’m new to your blog, so have we seen the table that I assume is the beautiful wood finish as that background? We were looking for a pretty wood table, and I’d be curious about yours.)
I prefer the non-coated too, but since I was experimenting with these couldn’t resist the price. I used the same paint for my garden tools which also were finished wood and they are looking great after lots of use this summer. I am letting these spoons dry and set for about a week before I try to wash them. Of course I don’t wash any wood in the dishwasher so these would be hand washed anyway. As far as the background wood. . . it is just a piece I use for photo styling. I have been looking at getting the West Elm Emmerson table because the wood is so pretty. Someday. 🙂
Love how the tools look. We use several of the bamboo/wood tools since we use pans that can’t have metal tools used in them. this will be so pretty for a change. A project for tomorrow. I’m working on painting signs anyway so can paint the handles while sign is drying. Love your blog.
Today I cut out the feather templates and appreciate your feather projects even more. It took me awhile to get them cut out.
Ok yeah I’m a “bit” slower than most bloggers, I’m an old lady, darn eyes and hands don’t want to work together as they used to. I love cutting things out but darned arthritis rares it’s ugly head after few minutes. I just take things in segments. Happy days
Thanks for the note Jane Ellen. The feathers do take a bit of time for me too, but are so worth it. I love that you finding time to craft. 😉
Great “custom” gift idea!
Why didn’t I think of that! lol
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