Felt Dragon

GREAT NEWS! You can download this template as a member, and we also have a complete felt dragon kit for anyone to purchase! Just pop over to our shop to order this cutie and check out the tools list to prep for your magical dragon kit to fly into your mailbox.
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You don't need to wing it
This mythical creature is an all-time crafter favorite from our stuffie collection! This friendly felt dragon is hand-sewn from three shades of our blueish-green felt for a tonal look, which makes him look a bit like a water dragon. To get started on this project, check out the tools and materials list on the right-hand side of this post. Then, download the pattern and tutorial.
Because this felt dragon requires more construction knowledge than some of our other stuffies, this is a great intermediate project.
As with all of our felt animal stuffies, we have a step-by-step photo tutorial for you to follow along when making your felt dragon. Of course if you have any questions, just reach out. We are always here to help!
To make our felt dragon look more realistic, we stitched both sides of the wings. They are also wired so you can move them. And the spines that run down the neck and back are sewn into the seam.
We think this project will be so fun for anyone who loves mythology, fantasy, and folklore! Whether you craft this felt dragon for yourself or as a gift, we'd love to see your version. So make sure to share it with us on our private Facebook page for members or by tagging #MadeWithLia.
Crafting tip: Try sewing more dragons using red or green colored felts.
New to crafting felt animal stuffies and want to learn more? Take our mini course, 8 Easy Steps to Create Any Felt Stuffie.
This content uses links from which we may earn a commission. Disclosure.
How to Make a Felt Dragon
- Gather your craft tools and materials. Then download the pattern on the right hand side at the top of this post.
- Cut out felt according to pattern using a Cricut Maker or scissors.
- Sew the legs to the underside piece using two strands of matching embroidery floss and a whip stitch, working from what will be the inside of the legs. Match and follow the curve of the leg openings, and ensure that the legs are facing the right way.
- Repeat this step for all of the legs.
Full tutorial available for members to download on the right-hand side at the top of this post.

- Craft Scissors
- Detail Scissors (recommended)
- Cricut Maker or Silhouette Cameo 4 (optional)
- Needle-Nose Pliers/Wire Cutters
- Low-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Embroidery Needle
- Straight Pins
- Stuffing Tool
- Lia Griffith’s Wool Blend Felt — Malachite, Misty Morning
- PLEASE NOTE: You only need one sheet of each color of felt listed above, but you will need to get creative with your cutting to use every inch! We recommend tracing the full pattern before cutting.
- Embroidery Floss —Very Dark Grey Green (924), Medium Gray Green (926) and Black (310)
- Polyester Fiber Fill — Lia Griffith Stuffie Puff
- Craft Eyes – 6mm
- Chenille Stems/Piper Cleaners
- Fabric Pen — Dritz Disappearing Ink
All the Goodies You Can't Google 🎁
Tired of scrolling endlessly for the perfect project? Save time, money, and Google-induced headaches with us! Our membership makes it easy to create beautifully finished crafts without needing to look all over the internet for ideas and materials or spend lots of money on individual videos and templates.
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Ask Lia or the community!
Hi! I live in Italy and I’m a new member!
I’m gathering all the materials for this project and I’ve noticed that your Etsy shop Italia has only one of the colours of felt that is needed, the malachite one. Any chance the misty morning will get back in stock soon? Thanks ❤️
Hello Olivia and welcome! If you are seeing our Etsy shop in Italy, it is just pulling from our US shop. The products are all shipped from the same warehouse as our shop, so you might have better trying to order direct from there. I know we do international shipping. FeltPaperScissors.com
I just noticed that the Etsy shop didn’t send to Italy. Thank you for your help!
But our Felt Paper Scissors shop does. 🙂
Just joined and found that there are limited downloads on what you are interested in and when I tried to download an svg of the project it didn’t work
As a monthly member you can get the full monthly collection plus an extra five. If you don’t pick any of the monthly collection, it is still only $3 a project which is an amazing deal. If the SVG is not working for you we have a video teaching you how to download them and use them for the Cricut. Let me know if this works for you. 🙂 https://liagriffith.com/craft-academy/a-crafters-guide-to-the-cricut-maker/lessons/1-lia-griffith-files-for-the-cricut/
I’d love to purchase the pattern but I’m not a member! Is there any way to purchase the pattern anyways? I can’t afford the membership.
We have two kit versions in our shop. https://feltpaperscissors.com/product-category/felt-kits/
Can you buy just the in instructions and pattern ty
We have the kits in our shop. Or you can buy a month of membership which is a good deal for this project. 🙂
Hey Lisa I live in Australia and not great with PDF downloads how do I get the patterns on a written sheet please 🙏🏻 and do I need to be a member thanks for your time
You can become a member or buy the kit from our shop. Here is a link: https://feltpaperscissors.com/product-category/felt-kits/
Amei os moldes não vejo a hora de produzir
This is a fun project!
Why are the printed templates a differeny size than the SHV file that has not been resized. The printed templates are smaller.
Sometimes the printer will resize. Check your setting and change to say 100% or full size. That should do the trick.
Thank you.
Is it possible to purchase just this pattern without joining the membership?
We have two versions of the kits over in our shop. They both come with the materials as well and will be fully back in stock tomorrow. https://feltpaperscissors.com/product-category/felt-kits/
But there isn’t a version outside the membership for the pattern only?
Not at this point. A one month membership (which you can cancel for another month at anytime), is less than what we will be charging for the one template. That is honestly the best option. And you can download his three friends too! What a deal!
I purchased this and received the kit, but I don’t have the pattern and can’t find it on my iPad. Can you please send me the link soI can print the pattern, thanks, Sienna
Thanks for purchasing our kit! You can find your downloadable PDF either in the email confirmation of your order, or go to My Dashboard, in the upper right corner, Orders. Select the order and click the download link.
I have this stuffie. Do you have a nSVG file I can use to cut it out?
Do you mean, you purchased the stuffie from our shop Felt Paper Scissors? If so, you will have immediate access to the templates. If not, you can become a member and have full access to this template/tutorial and others. 🙂
Hi from Anna in Sydney, Australia.
Do you ship your kits to Australia? If not, do you have any affiliate businesses you’re working with whom I can buy them through?
Kind regards
We do ship to Australia. The felt dragon is currently a digital download, then we ship you the materials to make them. We are updating that next year to a full boxed kit.
may i purchase just the baby dragon pattern without becoming a member? thank you
We have it as a kit in our shop. https://feltpaperscissors.com/product/dragon-stuffie-felt-kit/
How do i buy the pattern / intructions for my mother in law without being a member pls?
We have this project as a kit that you can purchase in our shop. https://feltpaperscissors.com/product/dragon-stuffie-felt-kit/
Hallo liebes Team von Lia
Ich habe den Drachen genäht. Nur nach Schnittmuster die Anleitung konnte ich nicht lesen. Ihr hattet geschrieben das ihr euch über Photos freuen würdet. Hab’s aber nicht verstanden wie ich das bei euch hoch laden kann. Also hier mein Facebook link zum Bild, sie dürfen es kopieren und verwenden. Vielen lieben Dank für die super Guten Schnittmuster Liebe Grüße
Thank you for sharing!
I have trouble downloading the photo tutorials – they either download as a tiny version, or if I try to copy it in pieces (by taking screen snips), and then enlarge it on a Word document, the text is impossible to read, since it’s so stretched out. Am I missing a step, perhaps?
This older version was meant for the screen. If you click on the image it will enlarge. These were not really meant to print, but I can ask Krista to update it since it is a very popular project.
Thanks – I’ll keep my eye on it.
HI, started with this as my first felt projekt. So far so good. Had trouble with the little diamond part at the tail end of the bottom piece.Sewed it finally onto the tail. Almost at the spine now. A blanket stitch? From your description above it sounds like you don’t atually loop it at all but simply pass it back and forth, first through three layers and then through one, the spine. Is that correct?
Lovge, love, love this little cutie.
(Who knew it was so difficult to find matching felt colors? Buying from you is not an option since US is across an ocean, sadly.)
You picked a good one (and a more difficult one). . . congratulations! Here is a video course showing the main stitches we use for stuffies. https://liagriffith.com/craft-academy/8-steps-to-create-any-felt-stuffie/
We also have a stitch chart on this page. https://liagriffith.com/basic-embroidery-stitches/
Hope this helps! And that you are already picking your next stuffie to make. 😉
I did watch the generalized tutorial video on blanket stitches, but in this case it is no help at all since you are doing another version. I can’t figure out how you change it.
How will the result be? Only blanket stitches on one side of the spine?
When you say, it was another version, what do you mean?
The blanket stitch on the spine. Not sure how you do that.
You can just do a ladder stitch on that section. Your stitch lengths can match the blanket stitch and it will look great!
I can’t figure out the spine…ugh. Can you consider doing a video? I love this little guy and resorted to gluing the spine.
Have you been able to watch the felt stuffie Skill Course? There are some good technique demonstrations, though it is not the dragon, and a full video for that is a great idea. Here is a link to that skill course. https://liagriffith.com/craft-academy/8-steps-to-create-any-felt-stuffie/
Is it possible to buy t the pattern for this dragon without subscribing?
You can buy the kit in our shop. https://feltpaperscissors.com/product/dragon-stuffie-felt-kit/
What is the height of the finished dragon? I am trying to decide if this would be too big for a mobile for my baby’s crib. Thanks!
It is about 10 inches from nose to tail tip.
What Cricut maker blade do you suggest?
Hi Amanda, you’ll want to use the rotary blade for all of our felt projects.
What size do I need to print the pattern at? Is regular 8.5 x 11 too small? Should it be 11 x 14 instead?
Unless marked, all of our templates are designed to print onto 8.5×11. When you print the PDF, be sure that “full size” is clicked rather than “fit page” as that will shrink the pattern.
I’m having a hard time understanding your wording on how to attach the spine part. Do you have a video reference that I can use?
The slit that you cut at the back of the head and neck is what the spine piece will slide into. You will be sewing a blanket stitch that essentially closes the sides of the gap together, but it has the spine piece sandwiched between and sticking out the top so adjustments will need to be made. So instead of a normal blanket stitch where you just sew straight through the fabric and through the loop to complete, you will be passing it through 3 layers of felt (on what is the inside of the stuffie), and out the opposite side of the gap (step #14). Pass the needle back through the spine at the surface of the felt to complete the loop on one side of the spine (step #15) where you started. Then you are back at the start of your next blanket stitch.
I’m interested in purchasing the Dragon kit but it is no longer in stock. Will you be restocking this item? This is the only felted project I am interested in so a subscription wouldn’t be worth my while.
It should be back in stock shortly.
Hi Lia – The links for “Pipe Cleaners” and “Dritz Disappearing Ink Pen” above go to Amazon instead of your store Felt, Paper, Scissors.
Thanks for the heads up. We added those things after the project was posted and forgot to change them. 🙂
Didn’t realise I had to pay. Sorry can’t afford to join you. I love the dragon.
We have this as a bundle in our shop and the template is included: https://feltpaperscissors.com/product/dragon-stuffie-felt-kit/
Any idea when the malachite felt will be back in stock? Is there another color that would be a good substitute?
It should be back in the shop in a week. It is a popular one!
Malachite really pilled while sawing this which was really frustrating after all that work. Is there a way to minimize the pilling?
Hello Anush. Can you tell me if you purchased the felt from our shop or did you find it from a different source? I spoke to Krista, and she said she does not have issues with piling unless she is using a PanPastel to color the surface, usually with felt flowers. If you are using our wool blend felt, the piling could be caused by extra friction. Try using a sweater comb over the surface to remove the piling.
I purchased your tutorial instructions for $10.00 membership fee. We received it but I can’t get it back to finish tonight. It treats me as a non- member. I would like it permanently so I can finish it. My email is glynnhixson@gmail.com, On Pinterest. And my name is Gail Hixson. Please help me.
Hi Gail! If you get a pop-up message about becoming a member when trying to access the project, it means that you aren’t logged into the site. If you are still having trouble after logging in, please send a screenshot of what you are experiencing to hello@liagriffith.com so we can help you out!
Also — once you download a file, it is yours to keep. Since we’re not able to store downloaded files on the site for members at this time, we recommend that you create a Lia Griffith folder for all of your project downloads. This way you can access your downloads easily from your computer without having to go back to the site to re-download them.
Hi. Is it possible to machine sew this? My hand seeing is not the greatest.
Hi Sarah! We haven’t tried it– if you do, let us know how it turns out!
Hi! Is there anyway to purchase individual patterns? I have no interest in a membership and would just like this dragon and maybe a couple of the other animals.
Hi! No we don’t sell our patterns individually. You can always join for a month then cancel before it’s up.
Hii lia….I’m from India….This is too cute….Can’t wait to make this …Love this…Thanx dear. .😘😘
So glad you’re here!!
The misty morning and dewy felts are out of stock–will they be back in stock soon?
Thank you!
We are still waiting for a ship date from our supplier but should have more stock in the next couple weeks!
Man, im 15 years old and have only done a bit of practice, but then seeing patterns as wonderful as this make me wish I had the permission of my parents to build skills like this. Wait until adulthood i guess!!
It’s never too early to working on your skills!!
Hello Lia
Is there a way for my to buy just this pattern without the subscription? Thank you
Hi! We don’t have capability to sell single downloads, but you can sign up for a monthly membership then cancel once you have what you want. Hopefully you’ll find more than just the one project to make 😉
I ordered 1 of each color of felt as Deborah above verified, but there is not enough of the malachite to cut out what the pattern calls for. Did I miss something?
Hi Sarah! You only need one sheet of Malachite, but you do have to get creative with your pattern cutting. I flipped/mirrored the dragon body to make it work.
I can’t wait to make this little guy for my grandson! What color combo of felt do you recommend for a red dragon and for a gold dragon?
So glad you love it! Brass and Pomegranate are some favorites 🙂
I absolutely love love love dragons! Can’t wait to get started. I’m new so I’m still such a rookie…
This is a good one for sure! Krista (our felt project designer) is becoming quite the pro at these.
Oh! This one is adorable! May need to make a stable of them. How to train a dragon, GoT. . . .
YES love that!
Hi Lia! I absolutely love this little guy and I’m making one for my newborn niece. Do you have any suggestions on something I could use instead of precleaner to give the wings structure that would be baby safe? I replaced the eyes with black floss like the nostrils.
Hi! I’m so glad you love it. Unfortunately I don’t know of any products that would make this safe for a baby.
This little guy was the reason for me becoming a member – absolutely gorgeous xxx
Hope to make him by St Davids Day xxx
Thank you for a super website filled with such beautiful things.
Oh we love hearing this! I’m so glad you like the dragon, and SO glad you have joined our community 🙂
I’m dying this is SOOOOO adorable!! Got to make Puff the Magic Dragon!
Thank you!! Krista really knocked this one out of the park.
I am ordering felt now. 1 piece of each? Thank you.
Hi! Yes, 1 piece of felt.
Can not wait to make this little guy! I love making felt animals for friends and nibblings!
He is the cutest!
Love this little dragon! It is on my list for felt creatures now
So glad you like it!
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