Felt Succulent Vertical Garden

I cannot get enough of the look of succulents. I have them all over my home and garden. And now I have them in paper and felt! Today we are sharing our latest DIY project using foam blocks from Floracraft® Make It:Fun®. Last month I spent time getting my backyard ready for summer and have been wanting to create a piece of wall art for one of the studio walls out there. Below I will share how I made a felt succulent vertical garden for that space and how you can make one too!
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This felt succulent vertical garden combines two previous projects, both of which I added the patterns and photo tutorials for at the end of this post. If you’d like, you scour our succulent selection to see if there are other kinds of decor you’d like to make. For example, since this project came out, we have designed a frosted paper succulent mini garden and a succulent wreath.
Ready to make your felt succulent vertical garden? Just follow my instructions in the “how-to” below. And be sure to share your version with us!
Skill level: Beginner
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How to Make a Felt Succulent Vertical Garden
Download our succulent patterns and their photo tutorials below. You can cut these by hand with our PDF template, or use your Cricut Maker or Silhouette Cameo 4 with our SVG file.
Next, choose a wooden container that is right for your space. I chose long, thin, rectangular boxes to suit the space I had marked out on my yard wall. You might want to stain or paint your containers first. If so, do this well before you want to put your vertical garden together so they are dry and ready to go.
Measure the inside of your boxes and cut the foam blocks to fit. Use the Flora Craft Styro Cutter to cut the foam blocks. Secure the foam into the box with a little glue, then begin adding moss to the top of the foam until it is fully covered.
To secure the moss, add a few bent floral wires made into a pin (I recommend cutting them down to 4 inches). Use the U-shaped pins to secure your succulents into the foam. Play around with placing different sizes and colors of succulents in different places. My tip would be to avoid placing the succulents in lines. Create a more organic look by working in triangles. Starting somewhere near the middle and working your way out is a good method if you are unsure.
Continue until all the felt succulents are secured in place. The nice things about using the DIY pins is that they are re-position-able. If you are planning to hang your felt succulent vertical garden outside, make sure it is on a wall covered by a porch roof or similar. Wool felt does not like the rain! You can hang it indoors or use it as a centerpiece on an outdoor table or windowsill.
- Craft Scissors
- Detail Scissors
- Cricut Maker or Silhouette Cameo 4 (optional)
- Flora Craft Styro Cutter
- Hot Glue — High-Temp or Low-Temp
- Wool Blend Felt — choose your favorite colors!
- Flora Craft Foam Blocks
- Floral Wire – 18-Gauge Paper Covered Green
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Ask Lia or the community!
Just signed up with an annual membership and excited to get started. Using my iPad, I find I am unable to either download or print any of the patterns. HELP!
Oh no! Can you send an email to hello@liagriffith.com with more details?
How do you machine cut the felt shapes??!! I have a cricut but felt will not cut without stiffen and bond first which was a lot of work and leaves shiny stiff backing. Please help!
The only cutting machine we use to cut felt is the Cricut Maker, but we still prefer to cut by hand!
I can’t wait to make this! Can you tell me what kind of moss you use? Where I can buy it?
Yay! Yes I usually buy it at Michaels or JoAnns. Any craft store should have it.
Would you be able to list the names of the colors you used for this project?
Thank you,
We don’t remember all of the colors, but some from Benzie were: vineyard, rainstorm, swan, zucchini, fern, pistachio, bluespruce, and smoke.
Would it be possible to find out the dimensions of the wooden boxes that you used for the vertical hanging felt succulents? I’m looking at wooden planter boxes on save on crafts.com, and just trying to figure out sizing. Thanks!
Hi Anne, the boxes we used were about 4.5″ x 12″!
Love these! I’m picking out my felt and am wondering if 12×18 sheets of felt will be sufficient for each color. How many of each plant can be cut from a 12×18 piece of felt might be a better way to ask that?
Hi, every place that carries felt has different sizes so therefore it is hard for us to list the number of sheets if that makes sense. And then it depends on the size of your container:-) The best way is to print the pattern and match it to the piece of felt. One 12×18 sheet of each color will definitely be sufficient.
Thanks so muchos..my dauther is so happy with all your tutoriales!! Can se get the felt at amazon store? That bisvthe felt name? Thanks!
I like to order our felt from Benzie Design’s site but are you looking for international shipping?
What a lovely b’day surprise – my favorite plants! a project from (need I say it?) my favorite artist/crafter! I cannot wait to do this – my paper succulents have not been able to withstand the double threat of grandchildren and sun. I know it’s entirely my fault but I wanted them in the middle of my table which happens to have a southern exposure and it’s where we, including kids, hang out. I will be more careful with the felt succulents – I want them to last a good long while. I’m so looking forward to making them. Thanks for all the sharing you do.
Happy Birthday!! So happy you like them, it is definitely a favorite of mine and should better be able to withstand the double threat:-)
They turned out just beautiful!! I love that you hung them instead of just using them as centerpieces. Great idea!
Thank you so much! Yes definitely fun to mix it up a bit and turn it into wall-art for my outdoor room. Stay tuned for a show and tell:-)
Simply gorgeous! The colors, the textures, the succulents — beautiful! Thank you!
Thank you so much! It is by far one of my favorite projects, I know I say that a lot;-)
I hardly can wait… another project from you that I’m going to make!!!!
Love you and your team 😉
We love you too Liesbeth! 😉
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