Floral Watercolor Gift Wrap

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Here we are in the last few weeks of Summer. As a final hooray here is a set of printable gift wrap that you can use throughout the year for weddings, baby gifts and birthday wrap. There are three prints in this set, peonies, leaves and ombré striped, and all of them are painted by. . . ME! Yes, I am thoroughly loving getting back into painting again. These pretty wraps are ready for you to print onto an 11×17 sheet of text weight paper. Simply download the PDF printable below. Be sure to stay tuned for the upcoming coordinating gift tags in the next few days. Enjoy! ~ Lia
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Gorgeous! I’ve run out of adjectives to use!
I am so glad you like it!!
this design is so pretty and I am looking forward to downloading it!
I’ve been looking for “11×17 sheet of text weight paper” online
and was wondering what paper weight should I look for, 20lb or 60lb?
I just buy printer paper from the office supply store, nothing fancy, but you will want it to be inkjet or laser compatible depending on your printer. I think the 20lb works well and is easier to wrap gifts, but the 60 will give you a thicker, higher quality look. Your call.
Simply gorgeous! Your talent knows no limits. ~M.
Thanks M!!
Gorgeous! I’d love these on wallpaper in a room I’d dedicate to having tea. 🙂
Wow! That would be gorgeous!
Me likey
Thanks Pia!
All of these are so beautiful! I have searched lately for beautiful floral wrapping paper and gave up. Thank you so much for sharing them with us! Bless you!!
Thanks Li! Maybe we will have them available for print over on Spoonflower soon.
This paper is so pretty – Thank you 🙂
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