If you are into crystals, or just like to decorate with them, this project is perfect for you! Our frosted paper crystal prisms are a quick and easy craft you can make and use as home decor or party decor.

Because of the intricate cuts, we recommend using our SVG cut file with your cutting machine. If you don’t have a cutting machine, we have provided a printable template if you want to cut your frosted paper crystal prisms by hand.

frosted paper crystal prisms

You rock!

If you are using your frosted paper crystal prisms as home decor or as a centerpiece for a party, we think it would be fun to style them with some actual crystals like we did! For our photos here we used amethyst, rose quartz, and white quartz. We also used a variety of colors from three of our frosted paper packs. You can use the same colors we did or choose whatever colors you like best.

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  1. Download the pattern below. Cut designs using a cutting machine, or a detail knife if cutting by hand. 
  2. Fold along each score line. For the single piece prisms, simply add a string of hot glue or use an adhesive roller on the long tab, then secure closed. Then, add adhesive to the top tab, and secure to the bottom half.
  3. For the 2-piece prisms, fold along the score lines first. Next, glue 2-3 tabs of the top piece to the middle prism. Then, glue 2-3 tabs of the bottom piece to the middle. Go back and forth between gluing one tab on the top, then one tab on the bottom. I recommend using needle-nose tweezers to help connect the top and bottom tabs to the middle piece as the space gets smaller.

frosted paper crystal prisms DIY frosted paper crystal prisms frosted paper crystal prisms

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