Gluten-Free Waffle Recipe

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It was 6 years ago when I found out that gluten and I simply can not be pals. A few weeks after I returned from a 5-week trip to Thailand where I did 4 hours of yoga for 28 days and ate the freshest, cleanest foods, I found myself terribly. . . as in fetal position. . . sick. Working with my naturopath to find the cause, the test results were clear that gluten had put my body into a state of shock. Until then my guilty pleasures were all forms of baked goodies, doughnuts (what I craved when pregnant), croissants, pies, fresh bread. . . oh my! I will tell you with full conviction that in the 6 years I have been gluten-free, the options have gone from horribly dense cardboard tasting breads and dry ricey cookies to the most amazing fluffy gluten-free breads and moist and tasty pastry. Of course if you buy packaged gluten-free they usually use the cheaper gritty rice flour so the better choice is to bake and cook these things at home. One of my favorite cookbooks for not only gluten-free, but grain and dairy-free, is from the paleo kitchen queen, Danielle Walker. I have loved every recipe I’ve tried in her cookbook Against All Grain and this is my all-time favorite waffle recipe. For my dairy-free topping I use the thickest coconut cream that I find at Trader Joe’s. Delicious! Rather than repeat her brilliant recipe, here is a link to hers. How about some waffles for breakfast tomorrow? If anyone has a great gluten-free raised doughnut or croissant recipe, please, oh please do share! ~ Lia
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Looks really great I’ll definitely have to try!!!
Enjoy 😉
Love this recipe! And I’ve been looking for a new Sunday brunch idea. These look delicious, and the photography is making me salivate. 😉
These are good ones and not only GF but Paleo too.
I love the waffles and ended up purchasing the book, Against all grain. So far I have absolutely loved every single recipe I have tried. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog
Same here! She has it down and I love that they are also grain free. I made these for my 12 of us on Sunday and even after brunch everyone was nibbling on the leftovers.
Lia, thanks to you, I have now “met” Danielle Walker and made her UNBELIEVABLE chocolate chip cookies. Finally, a guilt-free cookie for this cookie addict…well, when it comes to cookies, I DO still carry some guilt…we’re not supposed to eat six a day, are we?
Haha! I know that problem quite well. I LOVE every recipe I have tried from her book and site and look forward to making her grain-free bread.
Goodness! Where would someone who lives in a small city find these ingredients? None of the 3 grocery chains here carries raw cashews or coconut flour. Trader Joes is 40 miles away. Are these things terribly expensive? I can’t afford shipping costs these days; I’m a senior on a fixed income. I wish I could buy raw peanuts, too.
Yes, I am sorry some of these things are not as easy to find. Even though I do live in Portland were we have a lot of options for alternative foods, I often buy from Amazon and use my Prime account for the free shipping. I find they have better prices for most things.
I too found out I had a gluten allergy from working with a naturopath six years ago! And I too had an arduous trip to Thailand where I realized there is soy sauce in every single Thai dish 🙂
I love waffles and I’ll have to try this recipe. My current fav is the pancake/waffle recipe on the back of the bag of Pamela’s flour mix (the one in the purple bag).
Your waffle photos are beautiful!
Wow! That is pretty funny. Maybe we were there at the same time. Haha. I love Pamela’s brand! Bob’s Red Mill is another favorite. This was a fun recipe because it is also grain-free for the paleo eaters.
If you find a croissant recipe please share. Just started my gluten free journey 4 weeks ago and have noticed a change already. Waffles look delicious.
They are so tasty! I am going to find one!! Or make one up. I will definitely share. 🙂
Can heartburn be a symptom of gluten sensitivity?
I think it can when it has to do with digestion. My dad, who refuses to try gluten-free is always popping tums and complaining about heart burn and tummy trouble. Try not eating gluten for a week and see how you feel.
Do you use raw cashews?
Yes, the raw cashews are softer.
I have not had a good waffle or pancake since going gfree several years ago. I am going to try this and definitely share it on my blog:
Tell me if you like these. They are my favorites!
I wouod love to try these. Is coconut milk only sold in cans? I feel like I’ve seen it in cartons too and I’m never really sure which a recipe is calling for. Would love a breakdown on differences, preferences, and recommendations from someone who uses it regularly (I’m guessing you might).
I think giving a breakdown is a great idea! I will think about doing that. In the meantime. . . There is coconut milk in the can and the drinkable coconut milk in the carton. I used the carton for this recipe. If you use the canned version I am sure it would be just as delicious. What you see on the top that looks like whipped cream is a very thick canned version that you can get at Trader Joe’s called coconut cream. Any can of coconut with have a thick layer on the top with a thin watery bottom before you mix it. You can use the top (or TJ’s coconut cream) for a non-dairy cream. Yum!
The waffles look so nummy! I just have to ask about your fun white plates… what type are they?
Oooh and they are! The plate was a purchase from Anthropologie. Love their dishes.
Are the cashews ground in a coffee (spice) grinder before using in recipe? This recipe looks so tasty! I can’t wait to try them.
Everything goes into the blender including the cashews. They are soft enough that there will be no nut texture. I let the blender run until all is creamy.
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