LoveYourself3It is my birthday today! And. . . it is my big five zero! Now that I am 50, I feel compelled to share a few bits of wisdom I have gathered throughout the years.

Wisdom nugget number one: Good news ladies. . . we get better with age! I have heard this from many sources and I am now one of the those who can say it is true. Though I would love the skin of my 20’s and the energy of my 30’s, it seems that every decade just keeps getting better.

Juicy bit number two: The older you get, the less you care about what other people think of you! I swear, it is a freeing concept as it will leave you snuggling down into your own true self. I have this quote printed and framed in my bathroom, “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” by Coco Channel. This is a truism for beauty both inside and out. (You can download and print it here).

A wise number four: Cherish, adore and love yourself! This is a new concept for me as it seems that I have been looking desperately for someone else to make me feel cherished, adored and loved for most of my life. It was just a week ago what I had the “aha” moment of realizing that it was really up to me. I designed this print to hang as a reminder and decided to share it with you as well. You can download and print one of the 4 versions using the link below. It is my birthday wish for you. Let’s do this together! Hugs to you all and let’s make this the best year of our lives. ~ Lia

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