Make Easy DIY Art with a Canvas Stretcher Frame and Pretty Fabric

One of my favorite tricks for creating a 10-minute piece of art is to attach decorative fabric onto a stretcher frame. This is exactly what I decided to do to cover an awkward window that now looks into a tool closet. This piece of art also adds color and style to this small nook that I use for staging, potting and indoor gardening. As I was dreaming what to do with the unused window, I considered a chalkboard, another one of my go-tos, or perhaps a bulletin board, but finally decided I wanted this area to look fresh and uncluttered and a piece of colorful art would bring that look. I purchased my canvas stretcher frame from Amazon in the dimensions of to be 36″ by 48″ to fully cover the window. You can also find these at any art supply store often each piece sold individually. I then found the perfect piece of interior fabric and trimmed it fit the frame size with a little extra on all sides to wrap to the back. This fabric is a floral ikat in teal, orange and lime green. You can purchase it for a great price on this site. Below is the before and after and a tutorial on how I attached fabric to a stretcher to create this instant art. Enjoy! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Hello. I have a very colorful fabric shower curtain I would like to stretch over a frame. The problem is that the colors are too vivid for my taste. I’ve tried soaking in bleach and also hanging it in the sun. No fading occurs. My latest idea is to white wash it with very diluted white paint mixed with some fabric softener. Perhaps even with the use of a stencil used creatively to apply the paint in an interesting way. What do you think of this idea ? And, do you have any other ideas ?? Thank you, in advance, for your reply.
I think the white wash is a great idea. Results might depend on how thick the fabric is. I am guessing since it is not fading, it’s a synthetic fabric, so test a corner to make sure the paint wash works on the fabric.
The color of the fabric is very beautiful and the idea of the fabric canvas is really unique.
Thank you!
Ohhh LOVE THIS!! I’ve been creating my own fabrics for a while now – printing them at a little on-demand printer in NC called WeaveUp – and I’ve been looking for creative ways to display my works around the house. Definitely going to give this a try!!
That is a great resource!
It’s funny how trends tend to go full circle. Many years ago it was quite popular to place stretched designer fabric on a frame to decorate walls. I remember paying quite a lot for it. Now that giclee prints on canvas with a gallery wrap are so popular it gives me reason to rethink our market. Just the other day we were asked to custom-build a 10′ canvas stretching machine for a company in Brazil that has a booming business doing just that. Great article. Maybe we should start calling our machines fabric stretching machines.
Go for it!
I have a quilt that was hand stiched by my grandmother over a hundred years ago but was never quilted. It is quite large and fragile. Do you think it could be put on a stretcher frame?
I don’t know, can you take it to a framing store and ask them?
Lia, I love this fabric but cannot find it. Do you know name of fabric? The site link was not working for me.
Thanks, carol
I am guessing that fabric is sold out and that is why the link is no longer working. Sorry. 🙁 There are other lovely fabrics out there that you can use too.
Is it allowed to make 2 comments? Came across this post while post surfing. Now know what fabric I’ll use for this. I have the canvas already, just need to get fabric at HL. I made pillow cover with fabric I’ll be using. Trying to keep “new art” to bigger items, not so much clutter, little things along with serene color pallet. Will be a wonderful color/art addition to our living room I think.
Since I do so much blog post reading I have noticed that simple art is much more appealing to me than busy. Guess I must be experiencing a change of some kind, must be a good thing.
I seemed to have changed my taste in the last few years too. That is why I love this kind of art. . . if I get tired of it just add a new fabric! Easy as that. 😉
Oh Lisa I am so glad I stumbled across your blog! I would love to have a go at this with some Marimekko Fabric, quick question, do you by the stretcher frames the exact size of your wall art? I have never used them before and was thinking of using a canvas but this would be a little bulky!
Either way really. I would cover a full canvas with the fabric if I had one already. Yes, I just buy the 4 sides at the local art supply store and put them together. It is quite simple to do.
I keep finding more and more projects to make, you keep me so inspired. I’ve been wanting to put some fabric on a big canvas I already have. I saw some great IKAT fabric at Hobby Lobby I’d like to use for that. Just to hang in living room or? when I get an urge to change some art. I do that often. I’ll be sitting on couch and boom I get the urge to change something so get busy with it. I’m a bit of a night owl, always seem to do best work when it’s late for everybody else.
When we lived in MT, hubs was on the road and I was alone a lot so would stay up crafting. Only person/thing I had to answer to was our dog. Happy days ahead for you Lia
I have been known to temporarily cover a painting (or print) on a canvas with fabric. Haha. It is an easy switch.
Very inspiring! After having moved around the country for years, we’ve finally decided to buy a home in San Antonio and put down roots! Now I will have time to do some much needed decorating! You’ve provided me with the tools to achieve my dream..thank you so much for sharing your wonderful creations.. I’m looking forward to the videos as well!
How exciting Wendy! You have so much fun ahead of you. 🙂 I will keep posting.
Hi Lia,
How much fabric did you use for this project?
Love your site!
Hi Tina! I bought 1.25 yards of 54″ wide fabric for this piece. It may vary, depending on the size of your stretcher frame.
Thank you so much for this beautiful tutorial.
You are so welcome!
Great project! I have a question about hanging. What type of anchors did you use? Did you go through the thickness of the fabric into the frame?
For hanging the finished piece I used a picture hanging kit from Home Depot. The piece is pretty light so just the picture anchors and a wire on the back of the frame works great.
smart and lovely idea, like it.!!!!
Thanks! I have 4 versions of this in my house now. 😉
Great idea! I’ve been following your blog since you moved… any chance we’ll get a house tour?
Haha. This made me smile. I am very close, I promise, to being done painting, sewing and decorating. . . at least enough for a tour. This month. 😉
You know my mind goes straight to PARTY! 🙂 This is a great solution for a custom size, reuseable, collapsible dessert table or photo booth backdrop, instead of covering a large sheet of plywood.
Yes, you could use velcro on the back of the frame and on the fabric backdrop to make it easy to assemble.
Thanks for another great project with detailed instructions. I am so glad I subscribed. You offer such a variety of projects to try. I look forward to getting these in my inbox !
You are so creative and inspiring!
Thanks Melinda!
What a wonderful idea! It adds so much to the room! I think I am scared of bold colors but your creations are always so lovely! I could use a class or two lol [ as long as you’re teaching!]
My “advise” to myself when choosing colors for a room. . . pick what makes me happy. I once painted my walls in daring colors. Now I love neutrals with the color in the accessories. You will be happy to know that I am launching a video series of tutorials and am working that into a full scale home decor show, so stay tuned. 🙂
I cannot wait until you have the video tutorials! I need all the help I can get!
Yay! Happy to know I will have at least one viewer. 😉
Brilliant! You just solved my blank outdoor wall problem.
This is a great way to add color to your outdoor space!
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