Mounted Crepe Paper Staghorn Fern

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(Fern)ished by the Forest
Staghorns are one of our absolute favorite forest botanics. Bring this unique fern inside your own home to give your walls some greenery and fresh air. We used our double-sided crepe paper and mod podge to achieve the unbelievably realistic gloss on our mounted staghorn fern. You can create your own life-like staghorn fern by following our easy breezy steps below.
Click here for our beginner’s guide on how to make crepe paper flowers.
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- Double Sided Crepe Paper – Lia Griffith “Ferns + Moss”
- PanPastel – Bright Yellow Green Shade (680.3)
- Art Sponge
- Mod Podge
- Paper Covered Floral Wire – 20 Gauge
- Wood Square – 12×12″
- Foam Ball Half – 4.5”
- Moss
- Gather the tools and materials.
- Take 2 pieces of 3×10” crepe and glue a piece of wire in between the two, allow at least 3” of wire to come out one side of the crepe.
- Take the crepe paper with the wire glued in between and paint both sides with mod podge.
- Cut the crepe following the patten, the wire should run through the middle of the leaf with the wire coming out at the base.
Full tutorial available for members. Join here!
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We’re here to help you explore your creativity with daily inspiration, downloadable cut files and printable templates that make your craft life easier. We believe in the power of creativity to nurture the soul and to empower us. Our designs are created with simplicity in mind and we always strive to provide you with the highest quality DIY’s.
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Ask Lia or the community!
The SVG file isn’t showing up when I click on it.
Hi Amanda! I just checked this file and it’s working on our end. Does it not show up for you after clicking the SVG download on our site or after you’ve downloaded it to your desktop? If possible, send a screenshot to us at so we can see what you are seeing!
If using the SVG’s I assume you cut the SVG first from double sided crepe paper, printing two of each design, then glue the wire “stem” in and then Mod Podge? That makes sense, but will adding the mod Podge after the cut distort the leaf at all? I’m planning on making this for my mum for Mothers Day and I’m a newbie, so really want to get it right.
Hi! Yes, always modpodge after cutting. Otherwise it will gunk up your machine.
Are we suppose to just sandwich the wire between the two layers and glue down just the wire? Or are we supposed to cover the whole piece of crepe paper with hot glue and then put the wire on and other piece of crepe paper on top? Help! I’m doing the project right now.
Hi Amy,
Cover one side of the entire crepe with either tacky glue or mod podge, then sandwich and glue the wire in between the two pieces of crepe paper.
Why doesn’t the SVG had the same number of leaves that the fern in your picture has? Additionally, instead of being advised to “print 2” why aren’t there just two in the SVG? I’m quite unhappy at paying $99 when I’ve had to “fix” every SVG I’ve downloaded. For that much money, I would expect the SVGs to be exactly what’s needed to make the images as shown.
Hi Julie– because it’s easy enough to duplicate leaves in Design Space, in certain projects like this one we like to leave some flexibility and let our members make adjustments based on the materials they have on hand (and how they want their project to look). We always take our members feedback into consideration, so feel free to send your suggestions to