My Home Tour: Office & Studio (Part 2)

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Happy Home Tour Wednesday! I am excited to tour of my studio space with you today. The photo above is the exact view that I see from my office desk. This room is jam packed with photo props, craft materials, sewing projects and everything I need to create my daily posts. It is organized chaos, just enough of both to bring out the inner muse. The studio is a larger room attached to my office as you can see in the photo below. It has a wonderful bay window with North light that I utilize for my photography. Just like the entryway, one of the doors leading into this room had been removed, so to maximize the space I inserted another hollow core door into the door jam and painted it with chalkboard paint. I love the visual and well as the practical use of this large chalkboard. Take a look at the photo tour and I will share the details at the end of this post.
BIG PHOTO TABLE: You may recognize this from many of my photos since this is the surface that I shoot a lot of the post on. I found this at Monticello Antiques here in Portland and it was a steal. ROUND TABLE: This 70’s era oak table was passed to me by its original owner. It did get a Chalk Paint® makeover in Old White to match my white on white look of the space. WHITE VINTAGE CHAIRS: These are Craigslist find that also had an Old White Chalk Paint® makeover. BOOK SHELF: The original bookshelf was a thrift store find and after a few different paint colors, ended up with this white and aqua combo. I love the look of this bookcase. STORAGE DRAWERS: These are Ikea Alex drawer units. I stacked two without their rolling wheels to save space and used the third for the sewing table. I personalized them with customized labels from this post. TEAL STEP STOOL: You may remember my before and after photos of this vintage stool from this post. SEWING TABLE: This is a hollow core door with the Ikea trestle on one end and the Alex drawer unit on the other. PROP SHELVES: This wall of shelves is the Gorm from Ikea which I painted white. I did add a few extra shelves for all of the smaller pieces. ENZO’S BED: This is a DIY project that I did just last night. I filled the vintage crate with stuffing, made a custom bed to fit the top with a lush polar fleece and grey home decor fabric. To finish the look I stenciled his name onto the front of the crate. He is loving his little bed. So that is my studio tour. Let me know if there is anything else you would like details on. Hope this inspired you to go get your creative on! ~ Lia
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Thank you so much for sharing your studio space. I’m currently redoing mine and am so inspired to finish working on it. Just beautiful!
Thank you Alison, have fun with yours!
I too stumbled upon your website today and I too am in LOVE with your craft room. I have about 15 of the items on your Prop Shelves including the shelves. I think we were separated at birth, but you clearly got more of the Creative Gene than I did. Do you suppose your niece Jessica could fly out to Dallas for a weekend and make my craft room look as FABULOUS as yours does?
Any chance you will do a tutorial on the dog bed? I have the crate and the doxie, but need to make a couple more beds for my two doxies to snuggle in.
Thanks for sharing all your creative ideas with the world!!!
It is time for a fresh bed for the crate (my dog likes to dig) so a tutorial is a brilliant idea!!! There is a chance I may be in Dallas (or Houston) in the next few months for a meet and greet so watch my Facebook for that announcement. 😉
Hi There! Found your blog by accident, and am stopping everything to read throughly: )) Just saw your craft room and was wondering where you found that poster/print of the Effifel Tower? Am currently in the “Paris” phase of decorating and really loved the poster.
I found it in the gift wrap area at Paper source. I had a huge Paris phase after my last trip there. Such a lovely city, I love it:)
Not a stone has been left unturned! I love this space.
Thanks Judy!
We’re about to redo an l shaped basement area into my studio area. What are the dimensions of your area? I have gotten lots of inspiration from your area. Thanks.
The room looks larger in photo for sure. It is about 12 x 14 and the adjoining office is 6 x 8 feet. Share photos when you are done!
I never knew my style was rustic but I love, love, LOVE your space! It just makes me smile!
Thanks! Rustic is new to me too. 😉
I would like to know where to find the download for the labels that are on the storage drawers…(i.e. Scissors, Hot Glue) These would be great for all my supplies too. 😀
I offer these blank backgrounds (you add your own type in Word or Adobe program) in my Etsy shop.
I love your space, but. my favorite part is Enzo!
Mine too! He is snuggled on my lap right now.
I love the eclectic mix of elements in your rooms. You have a great eye for design. Such lovely colors and textures to complement all the things you obviously love.
Thanks Lucy!
Thanks so much for replying Lia!
Sure! I like to hear what people are saying and answer any questions. 😉
This is one of the prettiest craft rooms I’ve ever seen! Did you paint the back of the bookcase with Annie Sloan chalk paint as well? If so, would you mind sharing what color you used? It looks like Florence maybe?
Thanks Jennifer! I did paint it with Chalk Paint. It was a while ago so they may have come out with new colors since but this one was a mix of their green and teal.
I am so inspired by your craft room. My husband and I are re-doing our den into a crafting and lounging area. I also have toyed with the Ikea drawers/trestle legs. How did you make your sewing table level? I think these products are different heights…
Did you get the door at Ikea or Home Depot type store? What are the dimensions of your door?
Lovely job, your style is very much like ours. We have been junkers, collectors, and repurposers for many years, way before it came into vogue. I want to be surrounded by lovely things to inspire my creativity. I get you!
Carol 🙂
Thanks Carol! For the sewing table I added a piece of the table top that I trimmed under to give it just enough height to match the legs. I bought the table tops. . . hallow core door. . . at Home Depot. I bought the 24 inch wide door, which is the narrowest the come, and trimmed the long edge to fit my space. Share photos of your finished space when you are done. I would love to see it!
I just found your blog tonight when I went to print off more of your chalkboard free monthly calendars. (I think I’d found the link from another blog org.)
I’m in love with your craft room. The labels on your (Ikea) Alex units especially caught my eye. What do they say under the main heading of “scissors” for example? Did u design them yourself?
Yes, I did. I used the labels from my pantry series. These are available as blanks in my Etsy shop too.
Hi Lia, I just found you and love your creative and homey way. I will be redecorating my bedroom this Spring and am wondering about the use of paper lanterns for overhead lighting. They are so inexpensive. Do you have these wired for light or just playful decoration? I am planning on recovering my Grandmother’s antique settee with a colorful modern paisley or floral print and am now more comfortable with the idea that I can really pull this off. Thanks for the ideas! Lisa
Thanks Lisa! I just used them to diffuse the light fixture and in a decorative way. You can get lights for each and wire them together too. I love mixing old and modern together. I was very inspired by how they do that so well when I was in Amsterdam last week.
Oh my goodness! I am in LOVE with the greens in the frame, the back of the cabinet, and the step stool!! Such a lovely place to work.
Thanks! I do love this color. 🙂
How wonderfully creative and inspiring! Love your studio!
Thanks Debi! I love working in it. 🙂
I dream with a studio like yours! Congratulations and thanks for sharing, kisses from Spain!
Thanks Cris. I am loving it. 🙂
Beautifully curated!
Thanks Leah!
Ideal !!!
Yes! I am loving it!
HI..I love your photos 🙂 I have a question…what is that polka pattern on your cosco step stool? Im re painting mine in a dusty rose and I d not plan on re padding the seat and the steps. I would love your feedback 🙂
Hi Lori! The steps were covered originally with a black rubber type material and due to have had hardened and was breaking off. So after I finished chipping it off I knew I had to cover the steps with something. What I used is oilcloth that happened to be the exact match to my paint. I glued them on with a pro grade spray glue. It seems to work.
I’m in love with the drawers…. Only no place for me to put them. Maybe it’s time to rearrange a little here in my studio!
I did put one under my sewing table top. This helps with space too.
breath taking…………total love
Thanks Regina!
What an amazing space! I want to work there just looking at it. Although, I get to work in the country so I’m also pretty lucky.
Ahh, country life is my other dream. I see you live in UK too. Lucky girl. 🙂
Yes, I agree, Wow! You have a beautiful and wonderfully creative home. I recently discovered your blog, and I have enjoyed seeing how you decorate your home, and the creative projects you share with us. I am looking forward to making the feathers you featured. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Thank you Cathy. So sweet of you to say. 🙂 I am happy you found my blog.
You did a good job Lia, I like the way you arranged your studio and office, the color choices as well as the furniture style – it looks like you/your brand! So that’s a good post to pass around and show artists how to use their own spaces to also market/brand themselves :). Thanks for sharing!
P.S. Sleeping Enzo is also adorable…
Thanks Alex! I did not think of it that way but you are right. I have a tendency to stamp my LG brand/look on a lot of things I do and that would include my studio and office. Enzo is a sweetie. 🙂
What a wonderful space, a place for everything (and everything in it’s place)! Wish I had that much room – except for one thing – I could never keep it that clean!!
Thanks Sue. I do have to stop after each project and tidy up again. Part of the creative whirlwind. 🙂
a wonderful creative space. I hope you will share this post at my blog hop today xo P.S. don’t forget to enter my latest giveaway too
Thanks Katherine! You are the best.
its just beautiful!
Thanks Leeanne!
Such a beautiful space! It looks so much different than the last time I was there, when you were just moving in. Love the different zones for everything, too. My craft room/playroom is a *crazy disaster area* right now, with boxes piled up and kids’ toys strewn about. Looking at your space makes me want to set my other projects aside tomorrow and get it clean! Of course, it’s a major domino effect…empty stuff out of the storage room, then move boxes from my craft shelves into the storage room, then reorganize my craft space. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. If only I had a cleaning fairy. 🙂
Thanks Lisa! It is coming along. When you find that fairy, do share her phone number. 😉
I did happen to find her number today! I found her at 1-800-work-your-buns-off-for-4-hours-straight. She’s done a pretty good job so far, but man, she has a long way to go. 🙂
Haha. I know her!
Great blog post, it’s a look into your creative soul… thanks for sharing and as always – inspiring!
Haha. Thanks for acknowledging that. I had to take a big gulp of air before clicking the publish button since it is a very personal space. I am happy I did though. 😉
I’m inspired! We move states at the end of the year and I’m going to make sure my new sewing/blogging room is beautiful like yours not just practical the way it is at the moment.
I think it helps us be more creative when we surround ourselves with things we love. So happy to inspire you. 🙂
I am forwarding this to my husband, I want something very similar for all of us, not just for me. We’d been thinking about rearranging furniture and things so we can have a space where we can create things, and draw and paint, etc. Where our daughter can start drawing or crafting anytime, because the space is ready. Less TV more art.
Your space is so bright, organized and surround it by special things!! Just perfect!!
It does really help to have it set and ready. You can do it with little money too, just some creative thinking.
Okay, I had to pin this of course Lia. I love everything about it. You must be so inspired everytime you walk into those rooms.
The chalkboard is a brilliant idea! Love, love, love!
Thanks Pamela! I do feel inspired and am excited to use my new sewing area.
your craft room is beautiful its bigger than my bungalow x
Wow! That is a tiny house. Those can be fun to decorate.
What a GORGEOUS studio space! I really love the rustic, natural touches.
Thanks Lisa! I always love a little rustic mixed in.
Love it!
Thanks Beth!
This is a dream space- beautiful and functional with plenty of perfect little details.
Thanks Em! I just got the sewing area set up and am excited to use it more regularly. Started with the doggy bed.
How inviting. Love the surroundings. But must ask, is it always this neat? Being a quilter my space starts out neat looking but by the time I’m finished you would think a torrado went through. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, you know the creative process then. 😉 I do try to get it back to this between every project, but sometime projects do stack on top of each other. It really does help to have a place for everything though. I can find things when I need them so much easier.
I hope that is a good wow. haha.
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