Video: Our Visit to the Christmas Tree Farm

As promised, the Lia Griffith team is “keeping it real” this holiday season. Earlier in the season, Lia was delighted to be asked by the Christmas Tree Promotion Board to talk about the benefits of choosing a real tree at Christmas time. If you missed it, read more about why she chose to “keep it real” here.
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All content and opinions expressed in this article are Lia Griffith’s.
Our Trip to the Christmas Tree Farm
The whole team was thrilled to plan a trip to local tree farm Quail Creek Ranch. Selecting a real Christmas tree is such a wonderful way to make memories with loved ones. Everything from the scent to the search is an experience that no artificial tree can replace. Clad in our flannels and wellies, we traveled to the countryside northwest of Portland in search of the perfect holiday tree. Fall is the ideal season to get out into the countryside to pick a Christmas tree. As we drove up the hill to the family owned and operated Quail Creek Ranch, we were struck by the gorgeous colors and crisp fresh air that surrounds this beautiful farm. Strolling through the various firs and spruces prompted good holiday cheer and chatter among the team, and there may have been a little tree hugging too 🙂
We went with an idea of what size of tree we wanted — around 8 feet tall and slender, to fit into our living room space at the studio. The farm grows lots of different types of trees — we were intrigued by the Turkish Fir with its curly branches! However, we stayed traditional and opted for a lovely Nordmann Fir that looks and smells gorgeous.
Once we had chosen our ideal tree, we took turns cutting it down by hand. I’d suggest sharing the load here — it can be a little work, but it is very satisfying! In past years I’ve also asked the farmer to use his chainsaw to chop it down! We all helped carry our tree to the baler where the farmer wrapped it up and loaded it onto the car roof for us. This cycle of growing, using, and ultimately recycling real Christmas trees is actually good for the environment. For every real Christmas tree harvested, one new tree is planted and the process continues. Further, buying real trees provides business for local farmers. Real Christmas trees are a real crop that are farmer-planted and hand-harvested purely for people to enjoy. 100% of real Christmas trees sold in the U.S. are grown naturally in North America.
We concluded our fun afternoon with conversation and cups of hot cocoa around a roaring fire pit at the farm. Even Enzo the dog enjoyed his fair share of cozy moments with a side of dairy-free whipped topping! Back at the studio in the days following, we had so much fun decorating the tree. As seen in our 2017 Christmas tree reveal, we created a whole slew of handmade ornaments, a velvet tree skirt and a glittering star for the top. We cherish the memories we made that day at Quail Creek Ranch so dearly and are so pleased with how our beautiful, real Christmas tree came to life.
Lia’s Holiday Traditions
Every year, Lia celebrates Christmas with her 23-year old daughter Emily. They love to center their celebration around a fresh cut tree, decorated with handmade ornaments. Lia loves to pick a color or theme for each year and incorporate her handmade ornaments from years past into each tree. Lia feels that mixing modern and vintage ornaments makes for an eclectic and personal holiday tree. The best Christmas trees are those that are close to the heart. She hopes that some of our DIY ornaments and tree decorating projects will inspire some handcrafted magic not only this year, but for many Christmas seasons to come.
Join Us!
With this story, we hope we have inspired you to realize that a real Christmas tree is a choice you can be proud of. For more information about real Christmas trees, visit
Join us as we craft our way through the holidays here at Lia Griffith! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for a membership today. Remember to use #MadeWithLia when sharing photos of your latest projects — we love seeing what you’re up to. Happy Holidays! And don’t forget to keep it real! ~ Lia & Team (photos by BMAC Studio)
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Happy christmas everyone!
Same to you!