Paper Begonia Plant

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Begin the Begonia
Got a passion for paper flowers? Craft outside of the box with a paper begonia plant! This simple-to-craft DIY is ultra artful with its painterly leaves and their whimsical shape. We’ve created both SVG and PDF versions of the templates for you to choose from. Download our SVGs if you have access to a personal cutting machine or our PDFs if you intend to cut by hand. Then simply gather the supplies listed below to make the handcrafted magic happen.
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- Cutting Machine (recommended)
- Low-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Paper Papers Text Weight Metallic Paper in Ruby
- White Paper-Covered Floral Wire – 20-gauge
- White Floral Tape
- Art Markers – Winsor & Newton (white blender), Faber-Castell (opaque white), Copic (R46S Strong Red)
- Gather the tools and materials listed above.
- Cut out the leaves by hand or with a cutting machine.
- Use white markers to create dots to fill the leaf. Use the red marker on the edges of the leaves and the bottom center.
- To add detail and dimension, use scissors to create creases in the leaf and to curl the edges.
Full tutorial available for members only. Join here!
More to Explore
We are here to help you explore your creativity with daily inspiration, downloadable cut files and printable templates that make your craft life easier. We believe in the power of creativity to nurture the soul and to empower us. Our designs are created with simplicity in mind and we always strive to provide you with the highest quality DIY’s.
For further DIY inspiration, join us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. To start crafting with us, sign up for your very own Lia Griffith membership today!
Questions? Feedback? We want to hear from you! Reach out anytime. And show us what you’re crafting by using #MadeWithLia — we just might feature your work on our social media channels! Your creativity is our greatest inspiration. Much love ~ Lia & Team
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Ask Lia or the community!
This paper bergonia looks so lovely! I’ll definitely try to make it myself, too. Thanks!
Thank you! Have fun 🙂