Printable Banners for Your Vintage Fourth Of July Party

Printable Banners for Your Vintage Fourth Of July Party
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I am up here in Salt Lake City today working on some fabulous Cricut projects that I will be sharing soon. Since we do have a big holiday this Friday in the US, I thought I would share another fun printable for your Fourth of July event. These vintage banners are ready to download and print onto 8.5×11 card stock and trim with scissors or pinking sheers. For more vintage Independence Day projects you can find them here. Enjoy! ~ Lia
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Thought you might like to see a digital LO I created using lots of your fab printable … thank you sooo much, Lia!
How adorable! Thanks for sharing Sue!
Even though I British, I love all your 4th of July printables! I work with an American lady & as she couldn’t be at home with her family, we decided to celebrate her nation’s birthday with her instead. All your printables really made her feel like she was back home again! Thanks you so much, Lia xoxoxo
That is such a great story Sue! Thanks for sharing. I even shared it with my friends. So sweet.
Oh, thanks so much – I will definitely use these awesome melon stars with your cute “celebrate”-banner for my daughter’s birthday party! (So much in LOVE!!!)
This party kit has been used for a lot of birthdays! So cute!