Printable Chore Chart Template

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Stay on Track this Summer
Summer is here and it’s time to prepare for the kids to be spending more time in the house! To help keep things a little more organized for you and your family, we created this printable chore chart template that you can fill in with daily and weekly duties. By making everyday tasks more interactive with a customizable chore chart, your little ones may feel more excited and motivated to actually help out around the house. It’s definitely worth a try! We designed this printable in collaboration with Life Storage, so head over to the post on their site to download the file.
Editing and Printing
There are two chore chart designs to choose from, and both use a lot of color to make them eye-catching. Sort out your chores by daily tasks or weekly tasks with the different templates, then use the stickers included in the download to create an interactive reward system for your kids. To customize the charts, you will need to download and install the free font BioRhyme. When you are finished editing the chore charts, print them onto regular copy paper or cardstock depending on how sturdy you want them to be.
Rather than print out a new chore chart every week, we decided to laminate ours. By laminating it, you can then write on the chart with dry erase marker and change it whenever you want. Both options work well, it just depends on what is a better fit for motivating your little ones! Find all the templates on Life Storage’s blog post here.
Explore More
My daughter is grown and out of school now, but when she was young I remember how much anticipation she always had for summer vacation. I hope this printable chore chart helps things run smoothly this summer! As our designer Lindsay said about using these templates with her own two sons, “this is the best bribery ever!” If you want to find some great DIY activities to do with your kids this summer, be sure to check out our kid’s crafts collection. To join our growing community of crafters, visit our membership page for options. We’d love to hear your project ideas, so leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments below. Cheers! ~ Lia & Team
*Head over here to print the free templates!
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