Printable Farm Animal Finger Puppets

When I was a little girl one of my favorite past times was to make my own paper dolls and finger puppets. Well, the little girl inside me lives on and I just could not help but make my cute farm animal illustrations into puppets. There is one for each finger. You can download and print the puppets onto card stock and trim with a craft knife or scissors. These are sure to delight! Enjoy! ~ Lia
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wow thank you very much an angel I must say you made my day! I am searching for printable farm animals but no luck until you made it possible!
I am so happy to hear! Enjoy there little guys. 🙂
Hi Lia. My 2 year old Grandson lover Old MacDonald had a Farm and always joins in with E.I.E.I.O. I will make to encourage him to sing the animal parts as well. Thank you for sharing them.
How cute is that! These will be fun for him too.
Thanks so much , these are gorgeous!
You are welcome Emily!
My son loves these. He took them to ‘show and tell’ at school and they were big success. Thankyou 🙂
So fun to hear!! Thanks for sharing.
These are so cute a great idea for me to make with my young granddaughter. Thanks for sharing. Kay
The will love them I am sure!
Download Link is NOT WORKING! when I click on it it pulls up the PDF Viewer but it is BLANK! PLEASE HELP! Want to share these with my Grandkids!
This is why I do not like PDF viewer on the browser, but it is a browser issue. It takes a minute to fully see the image. You can then just download it to your computer and have it there. Sorry it is being frustrating, but I promise they are there.
So stink in’ cute! I think these printables of yours are my favorite set yet. Of course, a cute model never hurts either. 😉
Lisa Frank
New blog coming soon:
Thanks Lisa! And thanks Maddie for your fingers and sweet smile. 🙂
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