Printable Spring Recipe Cards

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Happy Thursday! You may remember the recipe cards that I designed for Fall as well as the Christmas version. They were quite a hit, so I wanted to make sure you have a pretty Spring option as well. These vintage rose recipe cards are set up for you to easily add your own recipes when you open them in Adobe Acrobat. Make sure you have installed the free font, Museo Slab so everything lines up like you see in the photos. You can then add in your name, ingredients and the instructions for your recipes. Print them onto a card stock and trim the two-per-page cards. Not only are these perfect for your own kitchen, but make a great add-on gift with your homemade goodies. Tell me how you use your printable recipe cards! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Hi there i think you recipe cards are great but my container i keep them in isn’t big enough do you do all your cards in a 3 x 5 format or is there some way i can make them smaller.#
Ann x
When you print it you can scale it down so that it fits. Hope that helps!
God Bless!!!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for all your tips and diys.
I was wondering why this recipe card wouldn’t download for me?
God Bless
I don’t know:( Can you try using a different internet browser?
These are super cute! I am finding I love all your recipe card sets. However, I do have a thought. Most of your recipe card sets have colored backgrounds. This uses a whole lot of ink! Would it be possible to have some future card sets with blank backgrounds so we can use less ink and select what color paper we would like to print on? Thanks again for the wonderful blog!
These work great when you print them on a laser printer. I will keep that version in mind for the future and for ink jet printers. 😉
Lia, where did you get your measuring cups/spoon set? They are beautiful!
Hi Jessie, I got them at West Elm. One of my favorite stores;)
I come every season to download your recepie cards and these are my favorite yet! Youre so incredibly talented! thank you so much for allowing us to use them!
Thanks! I need to make a new one for summer. Thanks for the reminder. 😉
These are absolutely gorgeous Lia! Of all recipe cards out there (especially for purchase), this is by far the prettiest and nicest I’ve ever seen! Love it 🙂
Thanks Melissa! I really like these too.
Thanks Lia for the recipe cards. I just saw a stand yesterday at the store that would hold the card in place while making the recipe. You must have ESP:)
Did you buy it? What a good idea. Maybe I should make a DIY version to go along with the recipe cards. 😉
Great! well I can write my own recipes there, very good!
Thanks Lia, petons!
Happy to hear Anna!!
Lia…! How wonderfully generous you are…. As the “Matriarch” and keeper of generations of treasured family recipes, some written now in fading ink, I thought it was time to pass down to my ever growing family who are spread quite literally across the world, these precious “Family Heirlooms”. Just this past Christmas I used your Christmas Recipe Cards to print my family’s shortbread recipe. I laminated the beautiful printed recipe card and sent them along with a generous sample. I was amazed at the overwhelmingly happy response I received and praise for your most beautiful recipe card template. Now our familys’ Easter Bread recipe will be gloriously printed on your Spring Recipe keepsake cards. Can’t “Thank You” enough. Pat
What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing that, it soooo warmed my heart.
Gorgeous!! Recipe cards are always a little hard for me to design, since there is so much text! Yours look fantastic!
Thanks Michelle! I am getting the editable text in Acrobat DOWN!! lol
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