diy conversation heart magents


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  1. Download our PDF and the editable font. Edit the PDF if you’d like. There are two pages — the first is a single line of text, the second is two lines of text.
  2. Print and cut out your hearts on shrink film.
  3. Bake in an oven following the product instructions.
  4. Glue small magnets onto the backs of the finished hearts.

What Next?

Loving these cute candy magnets? Have a very crafty Valentine’s and get inspired with even more DIYs here.

We are here to help you explore your creativity with daily inspiration, downloadable cut files and printable templates that make your craft life easier. We believe in the power of creativity to nurture the soul and to empower us. Our designs are created with simplicity in mind and we always strive to provide you with the highest quality DIY’s.

Be sure to join us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter, and sign up for a Lia Griffith membership for even more DIY inspiration. Questions? Feedback? We want to hear from you! For a chance to have your work featured on our social, use #MadeWithLia and share photos of your latest projects — your creativity is our biggest inspiration! Lots of love ~ Lia & Team

diy conversation hearts diy valentine's magnets valentine's day magnets

diy valentine's day magnets


