diy teddy bearsBeary Adorable

These fuzzy DIY teddy bears are so cute and lovable! Featuring plush Minky Fabric from, this is the perfect handcrafted gift for all the little ones in your life. We used Minky in Graphite, but these bears look just as adorable in any of the colors available. Once complete, we tied various pretty ribbons around their necks for the sweetest of finishing touches.




  1. Gather the tools and materials listed above. Print the pattern on 11×17 paper.
  2. Trim the pattern pieces and use a pen to outline onto the fabric as noted on each piece.
  3. Cut out all of your pieces from the Minky fabric.
  4. Sew darts on the side of the head pieces.
  5. With right sides facing one another, sew around the sides and the top of the ears and along the front of the body.
  6. With right sides facing one another, sew around the arms and the legs leaving the top open.
  7. Turn the arms and legs right side out and stuff with polyfill.
  8. Pin and sew the top head piece onto one side of the head as marked.
  9. Pin and sew the second side of the head into place.
  10. Sew the head top first, then the back and front of the head together with the right sides of pieces facing in.
  11. Leave a two inch opening on the back of the bear head’s neck
  12. With the right sides facing each other, sew the side seams to attach the back pieces of the body.
  13. With the right sides together, pin the base of the head to the top of the body and sew it together.
  14. Stitch back of head then 1/3 of back of body. stitch lower 1/3 of body, leaving opening in mid back.
  15. Press arms through back hole and position legs inside body. sew base to secure legs in place.
  16. Turn right side out and fill head then body with polyfill.
  17. Hand stitch opening in back closed.
  18. Tuck 1/4 inch of raw edge of ears inside itself then stitch ears onto sides of head.
  19. Cut tiny felt triangle, position at point of nose seam and stitch into place with matching thread.
  20. Make french knot eyes with embroidery thread.

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diy bear toy handsewn teddy bears diy teddy bear toyteddy bear gift