Tissue Paper Flower Party Decoration

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I am a huge fan of using tissue paper for more than just wrapping gifts! Our tissue paper pom pom gift toppers continue to be a favorite and our tissue paper poppies and anemones make great additions to any wedding flower bouquet! This tissue paper flower DIY is the ideal project for your little one’s birthday party. How cute to make a bouquet of these for the center of the table or pop one in each paper cup for the kiddos to drink their party juice through? These tissue paper flowers are especially easy to make and so this is definitely a DIY project that the kids can help with.
We used pretty paper straws as the stem of our flowers. You can pick these up in any good craft store or supermarket. Select a range of tissue papers in colors that match your event theme – we like to mix and match our colors and patterns for a sweet, whimsical look. Use the downloadable template below to cut out the flower and leaf pattern – you will need one center, two flowers and one leaf for each decoration. We began by folding the leaf in half down the center to create a natural looking midrib. Pop a small amount of glue onto the bottom edge of the leaf and glue it onto the straw approximately two inches from the top. Use a hole punch to make a hole in the center of your center piece and flowers, and crinkle the center piece between your fingers a little to create some interest. Thread both flowers into the straw above the leaf, then finish by threading the center piece on top. Your tissue paper flower decoration is done!
Browse all of our tissue paper projects and don’t forget to share your creations with me! Tag me in your Instagram photos, using the hashtag #DIYDreamingWithLia, or email them in to hello@liagriffith.com. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for a daily dose of DIY inspiration! Enjoy ~ Lia
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LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!! Adorable idea!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
I’m so glad you like it! 🙂