Will You Be My Bridesmaid Cards

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Wedding season is hot, hot, hot right now and we have had fun sharing a range of DIY paper goods and decorations that are just perfect for your special day. Today we are sharing our printable Will You Be My Bridesmaid cards. They come in three different messages, two sizes for each. One reads Will You Be My Bridesmaid? and the second reads Will You Be My Maid of Honor? while the third covers all bases with Will You Be My Matron of Honor?. All come in three different colors – matching our previously shared Printable Rustic Wedding Invitations, Printable Thank You Cards and cute Matchbox favors. All you need to do is download the free font Klinic first so that you can customize your invitation with your own names. Next download the PDF at the bottom of this post, open in Adobe Acrobat or Reader where you can type in your own names and dates into the forms and print as many times as you would like – simple! We printed ours onto card stock and label paper to show you different ways of using these pretty designs. Use them as cards, as gift tags, or to label a nice bottle of wine or a gorgeous jar of bath salts. Don’t limit your imagination! If you are planning your big day and want to add a little handcrafted style, then stop by our wedding page for more inspiration and DIY ideas. Have fun! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Where did you find the cute tube glass jar for the bath salts. super cute.
It’s a weck jar! We LOVE them. http://weckjars.com/
I love these but for some reason the pink card is not printing correctly. It’s only printing the editable fields, nothing else. I am able to print lots of other items from the site, I just seem to be having an issue with these cards. Any suggestions?
I’m sorry you’re having trouble! I just checked the file and don’t see any issues on my end. Did you download the PDF to your computer and print from there (as opposed to printing from a web browser)?
Looks wonderful!
Thank you so much!
I love it
Thank you so much:-)