Cardstock Paper Dogwood Branch
Now that we carry cardstock in our shop, we’ve been experimenting with how to use this heavier paper to create different kinds of flowers. Last month Meagan made these beautiful jumbo daises, and now this month she is showing us how to make this cardstock paper dogwood branch.
When you’re ready to get started, check out our supplies list below. Then download the flower pattern and tutorial.
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Barking up the right tree
This cardstock paper dogwood branch will look so lovely in your home year-round. Our tutorial will show you step by step how to create these beautiful blooms and add more detail with brushmarkers and a blender. Along with assembling the flowers, you will also learn how to build a branch using floral wire and floral tape.
When you’re done crafting your dogwood branch, simply place it in your favorite vase. If you’d like, you can always add more flowers and branches for a fuller arrangement. We’d love to see your version so be sure to share it with us on our crafters community page or on Instagram with the hashtag #MadeWithLia.
Skill level: Intermediate
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How to Make a Cardstock Paper Dogwood Branch
- Gather your craft tools and materials. Then download the pattern listed on the right hand side at the top of this post.
- Cut out paper according to template using scissors or a cutting machine
- Color the dip in each petal with the magenta marker.
- Color over the magenta using the brown marker.
Full tutorial available for members to download listed on the right hand side at the top of this post.
Explore More
Love this flower? You can also make dogwood blooms out of felt, frosted paper, and crepe paper. Or explore all of our paper flowers and branch decor for more DIY ideas.
- Kai 8″ Scissors
- Cutting Machine (recommended)
- Needle-Nose Pliers/Wire Cutters
- Curling Tool
- High-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Lia Griffith Cardstock — Almost Gray and Grasshopper
- Floral Wire – 18-Gauge Paper Covered Green
- Thick Paper Covered Stem Wire
- Floral Tape — Bark
- Aleene’s Tacky Glue or
- Art Glitter Glue
- Karin Brushmarker Pro — Magenta Red, Lime Green, and Praline
- Karin Brushmarker Pro — Blender
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Can’t wait for this one use to have a dogwood tree.
I LOVE this version made from cardstock.