DIY Angel Kids Craft

We have been having some fun with wool roving recently and created a cute little DIY angel for you to make at home – isn’t she adorable? Wool roving can be a daunting material to make with, but our DIY angel is a great beginner project for those wanting to dabble in this wonderful felting technique. This project only uses one color of wool and we manipulated the material into four simple shapes using a roving needle and pad. The remainder of the project uses wooden beads, ribbon and a little paint so it is the perfect DIY project for kids. With a little imagination you could make a few DIY angels for your tree or to hang from a mantle. You can change up the color of the hair, wings and dress or even have her holding a little paper candle or gift instead of this cute little glitter heart.
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- Lia Griffith Felting Pad
- Lia Griffith Needle Felting Needle Holder
- Lia Griffith Felting Needles – pack of 6
- Paint Brush
- Low Temp Glue Gun
- Needle Felting Roving Wool – Natural White
- 4mm Black Needle Felting Eyes
- Wooden bead for head and hands
- Gold Ribbon
- Paint – Black, Red, and Yellow
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Ask Lia or the community!
I would love to try this one out! How big is the bead used for the head?
Isn’t it sweet? It’s a 1″ wood ball.
Can kids do this activity without too much frustration? These are very cute!
The needle felting requires some skill (and patience!) but the rest is perfect for kids 🙂
I didn’t see what black felt was used for also what was used to hang angel on tree? The little wooden balls were glued to the cotton batten and they stay attached okay? Sorry for all the questions angels are so cute I just want to make them properly. Thankyou
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want!! I love that you are so curious about making this project! We did not actually hang this from the tree, we just placed it directly onto the branches 🙂 But of course, you could easily add a little cord to turn her into a real ornament. We didn’t use any black felt, just a touch of black paint for eyes. The little beads for the feet stay attached just fine! You can just glue them directly onto the roving felt legs with hot glue and it should work out smoothly. Happy crafting! -Lia
So precious and unique!