Easy Canvas Kids Pillows

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While our DIY drawstring backpacks are perfect for kids adventures outside of the house, these matching pillows are perfect for adventures inside the house! Our Spoonflower fabric set includes the backpacks, these kids pillows, a supply pouch, a money pouch, and a pencil case (stay tuned for tutorials for the last three!). This adorable set would be a wonderful birthday gift, a cute reward for finishing the school year, or a perfect back to school pack. Below you will find how to make your own precious kids pillows.
Start by choosing which fabric set you like most. The pastel-colored bunny pillow set comes with the matching bunny backpack, a cat supply pouch, and a sweet bear (with a bow!) coin purse and pencil case. The bear pillow set with deeper hues includes the bear backpack, bunny supply pouch, cat pencil case, and bear coin pouch. Find the fabric sets on Spoonflower, and choose a material that matches your preference. When placing your order, be sure that you are choosing a material that is at least 54 inches wide so that there is enough space for the entire pattern to be printed. We used heavy cotton twill for our set, but the organic cotton knit, linen cotton canvas, and eco canvas are also the correct sizes for the designs.
You will need a sewing machine to make these kids pillows, but I promise they are very simple! For a full video tutorial on making easy zipper pillows, pop over to this post. To make this pillow, cut out your fabric using fabric scissors, and pick up a 12 x 12 inch pillow form and lightweight zipper. You should be able to find a simple pillow form in this standard size at any home goods store or online source, while you can get the zipper at any craft or fabric store. Here is the best part: each of the kids pillows also includes its own little yellow pocket! This pocket is perfect for storing little notes or treasures. When you are sewing your pillow case, be sure to sew the pocket on first. This part is optional, but you can also surge the edges of the pocket to prevent the fabric from fraying. Stuff your pillow form into your sewn pillow case and your kids pillows are ready for gifting!
If you bought a roll of zipper material, you can conveniently save the leftovers for making all the matching zipper pouches. To create the ultimate organizational system for your kids, be sure to also check out our matching set of printable back to school labels. Browse the rest of our Spoonflower fabric designs and follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for crafty inspiration every single day! Cheers ~ Lia
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