Easy Wire Wrapped Crystal Earrings

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We all love to splurge on jewelry once in a while! But why buy jewelry when you can easily make it yourself—and for a lot less? If you’re interested in making DIY earrings, you’ll want to learn how to wrap wire. Wrapping wire is a basic technique you’ll use over and over again for making your own earrings and necklaces. Haven’t made wire wrapped jewelry before? No worries. It’s easy to make stunning earrings like these—we’ll show you how in the tutorial below.
Wire Wrapped Jewelry With a Little Bit of “Woo”
We like a little bit of what we refer to as “woo” around here. In fact, we started our last Monday meeting talking about how this is a time for slowing down, asking ourselves what we truly want, and focusing on growth. Our designer May knows all about how energy can affect our well-being—she’s the one who created these beautiful DIY earrings using gold wire and Green Fluorite. This crystal is known for neutralizing harmful or negative energies, restoring balance, and encouraging a steady flow of positive energy. Green Fluorite is connected to the heart chakra, bringing you greater focus, clarity, and inner peace. It also is known for promoting personal growth, clear communication, and creativity.
As you can see from this tutorial, wire wrapping crystals is easy! All you need is needle-nose pliers, wire, and the crystal you want to use for your earrings. We purchased these crystals from Ed’s House of Gems, a local, family-run gem shop in Portland, OR. If you don’t live in Portland, we recommend getting crystals from Fire Mountain Gems and Beads or your local gem shop.
Once you have your materials, just follow our step-by-step instructions to make your own wire wrapped earrings. You can also find printable instructions below. When you’re done, we’d love to see what you made (and what crystal you used). Share your wire wrapped jewelry with us on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #MadeWithLia.
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Really helpful and easy to follow. Many Thanks!
Good to hear!