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Jewelry & Accessories

 Beginner  60min

Drawstring Peach Pouch

 Beginner  30min

Embroidery Floss Wrapped Keychain

 Advanced  60min +

Flower Embroidery for Jacket

 Beginner  60min

Flower Embroidered Jeans

 Beginner  30min

Leather Jewelry Dish

 Beginner  30min

Vinyl Striped Tote Bag

 Intermediate  60min +

Crossbody Macramé Mini Bag

 Kids  Quick

VIDEO: Felt Ball Cherry Earring & Keychain

 Beginner  30min

Leather Luggage Tags

DIY macrame tote bags
 Intermediate  60min +

Macrame Tote Bags

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Love DIY? Craft your own style with our collection of DIY accessories that you can make at home today. Find easy to follow DIY jewelry projects, handmade headband tutorials, DIY keychains, handmade pins, pet accessories, bridal head wreaths and more. Unleash your creativity today! Simply head over to our membership page and choose a plan that suits you. Sign up for one month or treat yourself to annual membership and enjoy access to our library of over 2000 DIY downloads.