VIDEO: Frosted Paper Heirloom Peony

A peony for your thoughts?
Nothing says springtime like blossoming peonies! The growing season for live peonies is brief. So making big, beautiful flowers from different types of paper is a definite favorite for crafters. I have been playing around with a new design and today I’m sharing the flower pattern so you can make your own frosted paper heirloom peony blooms.
After all, nothing will lift someone’s spirits or bring a smile to your loved one’s face like a big bouquet of paper peonies!
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We have many versions of this pretty bloom in different crepe papers, felt, and, frosted paper for you to pick from. But today, I made a new version that is large, lush, and very simple to assemble. This frosted paper heirloom peony is a perfect beginner flower for those who are new to frosted paper flower making. If you are just getting started, you may enjoy the video on 10 Things to Know About Frosted Paper Flowers as it shares all of my tips and tricks to making beautiful frosted paper blooms.
Though you can cut all of the pieces for this frosted paper heirloom peony with your craft scissors, the detailed centers are a great place to use the cutting machine. Once all of your peony pieces are cut, you can add shape and dimension by carefully curling each petal of each layer of petals. After curling, the blooms are simple to assemble, and you can follow along with me in our video tutorial below.
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- Cutting Machine (recommended)
- Craft Scissors
- Detail Scissors
- Needle-Nose Pliers/Wire Cutters
- Curling Tool
- High-Temp Hot Glue Gun
- Lia Griffith Frosted Craft Paper – Berry Pack: Colors: 2, 3, & 4, Citrus Pack: Color 3, and Conifer Pack: Colors 2 & 4
- NOTE: You will need 3 pieces of 12×12 paper for the petals to make 1 peony. Each pack of frosted paper comes with 5 sheets of each color listed, so if you want to make more than 1 flower in a specific color, be sure to buy more than 1 pack.
- Thick Paper Covered Stem Wire
- Brush Marker – Magenta
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Ask Lia or the community!
How many pieces of paper does each flower take (not the middle or leaves) I need to determine how many packs to order. How many pieces of paper of each colour in a pack
You will need 3 pieces of 12×12 paper for the petals, and each pack comes with 5 of each color listed.
The video show an art marker that is not included in the materials list for the Heirloom frosted paper peonies. Can you tell me what color is my best choice?
Great catch, thank you! We used this marker:
I am not able to get the pages to load on the PDF template. Could you check that, please? I haven’t had any trouble so far with the few that i have looked at. It could be my computer or even the bad internet i have at the moment. Thank you.
Hi Elizabeth,
The PDF is loading on our end, try opening in a different browser.
I appear to have difficulty downloading your SVG files. I have tried on multiple paper flower projects, but when I go to open them I get an error message that says file format is not supported or the SVG files open up up blank. Can you explain why this is occurring? I use a circuit, but I usually download the SVG file to my computer prior to uploading into the circuit. Let me know if you have any pointers. Julie
Hi Julie,
You must download the svg to your computer and unzip it, then you upload to design space. Check out our video on how to best use our svg files with your cricut machine! 🙂