VIDEO: Jumbo Paper Flower Wedding Backdrop

This jumbo paper flower wedding backdrop is an eye-catching wall covering for your wedding celebration. Use it as a backdrop to your wedding photographs, to frame your top table, or to decorate the entrance of your wedding venue. It is a simple flower to make despite its size! The trick is to use our wallpaper, complete with a jumbo flower pattern from Spoonflower. Each roll comes with two flowers on it, so all you need to do is cut out the pattern and assemble each flower by following my simple video tutorial.
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Each flower petal has a delicate watercolor wash on it so will easily blend in with any wedding colors. The paper is durable so is easy to work with and will last you for years should you want to re-house your backdrop at home! You will need a sharp pair of scissors and a low-temperature glue gun for this project, plus a length of cord to hang your flowers from. We would love to see pictures of your handcrafted wedding projects so please do tag me @liagriffith across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and we will share our faves! Enjoy! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Which size do we purchase on the Spoonflower site? Is it the 2×12 or the 2×9?
I’m so excited to make these.
This project was published almost 8 years ago, so I had to go do some investigation with their new options. For the two flowers, you will want the 12-foot option.
what do you use to hang them on the wall?
Hi Claudia! I added twine to the back of the flower, then used small Command hooks on the wall.
Your post on the 17th April said I could use your template on the site. I have just joined your site & trying to find my way around. Where would I find you template?
Many thanks 🙂
Welcome, Tracey! Some of our posts are sponsored and require purchasing specific materials to make the project. This project was designed for Spoonflower and you’d need to follow the links in the post to purchase the removable wallpaper that’s printed with the watercolor wash treatment & template. But most of our posts will include the pattern, template or printable at the bottom of the post! 🙂
The wallpaper that you can buy from Spoonflower is just an enlarged version of this rose template: So you could also try making your own large version using this template as a foundation. Enjoy!
I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused! When you go to purchase the wall paper, one roll ($60) is equal to two flowers? And then the roll has the template/design on it? Thanks so much!
Yes, that is correct. You can also use my template here on the site and enlarge it to fit a roll of your own paper. This might save some money as wallpaper can get expensive. This was a project to show other ways to use wallpaper and can be easily translated. 😉
Is there a kit or tutorial for the bouquet that is shown along with the wall flowers?
Yes, here you are:
I sent a comment about freebies. It was taken out of this and i did not receive a reply. What’s up with that.?
We are just a bit behind on responding. Sorry.
do you sell these ?
There is a link to the wallpaper or these but they are DIY. 😉
Can i get frebbies of the spoonflower wallpaper 4486859 ?
The freebie is the video. The wallpaper is something you buy from Spoonflower. Sorry if that was confusing.
what kind of wall papers were used for the jumbo roses
You can find the wallpaper on Spoonflower’s website 🙂 Here’s a direct link!
how big are these roses?
I would estimate that each rose is between 2 and 2 1/2 feet wide
I can not locate the jumbo rose wall paper on their website.
There is a link embedded within the post, here is a direct link to the listing on Spoonflower 🙂
Hi Lia,
Do you have template of Jumbo backdrop flowers? I have pazzles machine and I can use it to cut the flowers.
Please let me know.
You can buy the jumbo template from Spoonflower by following this link:
How much is cost the paper for the jumbo flower thanks
Great question. All orders are from Spoonflower, you can find more information here I think it depends on quantities etc.
How much wallpaper do you need to make around 20 flowers? Thanks so much! These are amazing.
Each roll makes 2 flowers, so I would say to get 10 or 11 rolls (just in case you accidentally make a mistake!) for 20 flowers 🙂
They really are quite beautiful.
It’s cool that they come printed in such a large design.
Thank you:-)
wow, magnificent 🙂
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