Making and Applying Bias TapeThe bias of a piece of fabric is a folded part of the fabric that is diagonal to the grain. Making a bias will give the fabric more stretch and make it easier to work with. Bias tape is usually used to finish the edge of a seam on quilts and clothing garments. It is kind of like a framed edging for your sewing projects. You can also use it as a decorative accent, such as adding bias tape to create piping on a dress. Pre-made bias tape is widely available to buy in fabric stores, but applying bias tape that you made yourself can give you much more flexibility. It is super easy to make your own bias tape, especially if you have a rotary cutter. The benefit of making your own bias tape is that you can make it the exact width that you need for your specific project. You can also choose your own colors and patterns that you like for your custom bias tape. 

Follow our handy step-by-step photo tutorials below to learn the process of making and applying bias tape! Members can also download our printable instructions linked below. I will be linking to this post for lots of projects in the future, so look out for that! Coming up first will be tutorials for sewing a make-up brush case as well as a set of pot holders. Browse all of our fiber arts projects and then follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to see the latest and greatest! And as always, feel free to write in with suggestions for projects and printables. Cheers! ~ Lia Making Bias Tape

Applying Bias Tape Tutorial 


  • Sewing Machine
  • Scissors
  • Rotary Cutter
  • Ruler
  • Pins
  • Sewing Needle


  • Favorite Fabric