A Paper Crown for all of the Paper Queens!

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When I was a little girl, I was not the typical “dress up like a princess” type. In fact, I had a full (DIY of course) Native American costume that I wore everyday for at least a year. However, as a grown up a tiera now and again is a good thing. We can all use a little more play in our lives, right? This last week I was experimenting with some projects that I could make on my Cricut cutting machine and designed this delicate tiera. Cutting from a metallic gold paper my first two were doll size and fit these ceramic owls just perfectly. Yes, I love the one placed upside down. The third I made from a 12×12 glitter paper cut at an angle so that I can wear the crown myself when I am feeling particularly royal. I do think every crafty girl needs her own paper crown. Here is the SVG file for you to cut yourself a crown or two with a cutting machine. Have fun and make sure and share a few glittery crowns with your queenly friends or little princesses! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Are there any ones where you don’t have to use a circuit machine? Just normal cutting? Any advice?
You could cut this crown or just some of the layers of it with a craft knife. https://liagriffith.com/paper-celestial-crown/
I would love to purchase this file. Is there a way to do that without becoming a member?
Hi Natasha,
Sorry, we do not have an option to pay per download. If you would like access to all of our projects check out our membership options here https://liagriffith.com/membership/ 🙂
I am a member and tried to download this but it opens up in another web page. Can someone help with directions on how to get it into design space? Thanks
Hi! Have you seen this post with detailed instructions on using our SVG files? https://liagriffith.com/how-to-use-svg-files-for-cricut/
Does this work with any circuit machine? Or just the latest version?
It’s compatible with the Explore machines that use the Design Space software.
Hello I unzipped file and its saying it can not load can u please help
Hi Jennifer, if the file has downloaded fully then the problem may be with your internet connection or Design Space. If you can describe your problem more please email hello@liagriffith.com and if it’s on our end, we’ll help as best we can.
I’m trying to upload this file to cricut but it says it wont because its a zip file…how do I convert it?
You’ll need to unzip the folder first to extract the SVG file 🙂
Love it!!! So cute and creative!Thank you for sharing.
You’re so welcome 🙂
Lia, just beautiful, if you adhere full page sticky stuff to cardstock like this wonderful product :
Stick It Die Cut Adhesive (8X12) from Ken Oliver
then cut, then peel off adhesive side and sprinkle with glitter, you get a very glitzy crown –nothing like a little bling. Thanks for sharing svg.
Who doesn’t love some bling;-) Thanks for sharing your tip!
Thank you! I enlarged it, cut it of craft foam and used it on the bed canopy I made my daughter. Looks perfect!
What a great idea!! Would love to see a picture, my email address is hello@liagriffith.com Your daughter must be so excited, who doesn’t want a princess room;-)
Thank you so very, very much for creating a printable crown for those of us who do not have SVG. As wrote before I wanted to print some for my cancer friends that get together once a month to bitch, to cry, to laugh and so glad we are alive to do that and more. Thank you again for helping to make us feel special.
Susan Ann, you are special! Thank you so much for sharing, I am so happy that you could print the paper crowns for you and your friends. Take care and all the best!!
Thank you so much!!!
This is not a complicated cut compared to much of the Scherenschnitte I do. A hint to your readers: Print the pattern on plain copy paper, then staple that sheet to the sheet of paper or cardstock you want for your finished project. Use lots of staples so the two pieces can’t shift in relation to one another. Don’t staple through the crown itself. Then cut both sheets together; you will have no lines on your finished piece.
Cut inside shapes first; the outline last. Where two lines come together at a point, cut TOWARD the point from both sides. Never try to “turn a corner” with the scissors in the paper! Don’t insert the scissors right on a line; pierce the paper inside a space, then cut to the line.
This pattern has big, sweeping curves that can be cut with scissors without too much difficulty. A small scissor with sharp points is your weapon of choice. Make sure it fits your hand; some have finger holes that are too small. Some people prefer slightly curved blades; others can’t cut a straight line with them. I myself use straight scissors. Turn the paper, not the scissors..
Any kind of craft knife will easily make a clean cut through two sheets of paper. It will take a new blade and a bit more pressure to cut cardstock. For ultimate luxury get a surgical scalpel handle and blades – the #11 blade, just like a #11 craft knife blade. You can order them very cheaply online. Handle very carefully; never take your eyes off it!!! It will cut cardstock like butter, and paper – and your fingers! – like air. NEVER let a child within ten miles of a scalpel!
Great information Annie! Love your tips! Thanks!!
Thanks so much for sharing these! My Princesses will be in HEAVEN!!! Do you mind sharing what size you cut them at? I can do a trial and error but I think it would take forever! I would love the sizes for children and the doll ones! Thank you!!!
I cut the largest at an angle to fill the 8.5×11 page then added a piece on the back to make it large enough for my head. This will be a good option to fit any head, even the little ones. 🙂
Well, OF COURSE we’d like it in a printable version!!!! Why would you want to only make it available to a few readers? I already have that problem when you design something that calls for a rubber stamp or a paper punch. Your designs are so beautiful I’m always frustrated when you call for something I would have to go out and buy – if I could find it! PLEASE design for us simple folk, too!
It is live now. Since it is such a detailed design, I wasn’t sure someone would want to hand cut. Bad assumption on my part. 😉 I don’t use rubber stamps on my projects but I do use punches sometimes. I do my best to make my projects as accessible to everyone as I possibly can so thanks for restating the importance of that. Hugs!
These crowns look awesome. Whether you’re planning to make homemade crowns for the birthday girl, princess costumes, or even for everyday dress up these are perfect. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Alicia! I will have to check out your shop.
I’ve downloaded it three times, and it will not load in Silhouette Studio.
Do you have the designers edition of the software? You have to have that for custom uploads. I don’t use Silhouette anymore so I can’t give you the steps to upload, but here is a really good video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTYWfOmo8r8
These are lovely! I love a good crown, and paper crowns are even better!
Anything is better in paper, right? haha
Beautiful crown and you are beutiful too , jeje petonets
Thanks Anna!
Lia, no fair! I have time, scissors, card stock, surgical scalpels, a printer, adobe reader, and the habit of taking the results of the above to the local pediatric and Shriners’ Hospitals. I will never be able to afford a Cricut. Please cut me and other poor folks some slack!
Would you like it in a printable version too then? If you have time, it could be a fun project! Also, make sure and enter the Cricut giveaway! I posted about it on my second paper succulent article. Rules to enter right there. They are giving one away each day!
Wish I could print the crown but I don’t have SVG. I would love to send the crown to everyone I come into contact with that has been diagnosed with cancer especially my breast cancer group. Does anyone know of any other site with a crown to print?
SVG is a cut file for paper cutting machines. I can add it as a printable as well if that is what you are looking for.
This is so cute! I may make myself one to wear while working in my craft room. I need all the support & confidence I can get.
Awwww, do it! I love the playfulness of it too.
Love it, Lia! I know many a princess who would love to wear that! Since I’m new to Cricut, is there a place on their site to search for cut files by designer? I tried searching your name, but nothing came up.
I have three cut files up. You have to look for them in the design space projects. They are the paper fans in the three versions. I will have more in September and my own designer page too.
Your SVG cannot be loaded in Silhouette Studio; the programs says it may be corrupted.
Interesting. I simply saved it as an SVG so it should upload just fine.
Your crowns are perfectly precious!
Thanks Judy!
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