Greenery Wedding Bouquet


Crafting Instructions

The base of the bouquet is made by covering half a foam ball with tissue. The tissue will make it so that none of the foam will show through, plus it is much easier to glue the leaves to the tissue than the foam. DIY is best taught visually, so watch our full video tutorial below to make your own botanical bridal bouquet.

What Next?

For another paper greenery project you can make for your wedding or home decor, see our lush greenery chandelier. Browse through all of our frosted paper flower tutorials for more opportunities to use this gorgeous paper, or take a look at our collection of SVG cut files to inspire more projects you can make with your cutting machine. We believe creativity brings people together, and you can learn more about why we do what we do on our membership page. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for daily doses of DIY goodness, and always feel free to leave a comment with any project suggestions you have! See you soon ~ Lia & Team

Botanical Bridal Bouquet



