Creating these Papercut Cardstock Tacos is a breeze. If you've got a cutting machine, you're already halfway there! Simply download our SVG file and let your cutting machine do all the work. However, if you prefer a more hands-on approach, grab your trusty detail scissors and get ready to showcase those cutting skills!

Tacos, as we know them today, started off very differently. Dating all the way back to the Aztecs, tacos were once a very simple dish made with fresh corn tortillas and filled with fish or organ meat. It was a quick way to get important nutrients and energy to those who needed it. In fact, the elaborately filled and topped tacos we enjoy today are only about 100 years old.

Creating your Papercut Cardstock Tacos is easy and almost as fun as making the real thing. Follow our step-by-step instructions, and you'll have a fiesta-worthy display of tacos faster than you can say, Ole! Crafting for a kids' party? Set these up in cute little kraft trays for a "taco bar" that's sure to delight any young party guest.

Whether you're gearing up for Cinco de Mayo or just looking for a fun craft to dive into on a rainy spring day – these Papercut Cardstock Tacos will definitely steal the show. Once you're all done, remember to share your taco masterpieces with us on Instagram using the hashtag #MadeWithLia. Or, upload your photos into our crafters' community so we can celebrate the joy of creating, together.

