
The main tool that you need to make these snowman ornaments is a pom pom maker. You can find pom pom makers in several sizes, but we used Clover brand in Small.  There is no need to use super high quality yarn for these ornaments, and you should be able to find some at your local craft store. Once you have your materials, you can start on your pom poms! Feel free to use other sizes of pom pom makers to make some variation in your snowman collection. If you need some help crafting the pom poms, find our photo tutorial from this post

After you make your yarn poms, print the PDF template as a guide for cutting the felt mittens and nose. Follow the step-by-step photo tutorial below to help you put together your snowman ornaments. You can add as many little details as you’d like. We added pipe cleaner earmuffs on some and felt top hats on others. Finish them off with a cute scarf made from a piece of yarn! Just like our felt santa ornaments, these yarn snowman ornaments can be a great kid’s craft. For more DIY ornaments, be sure to check out our knotted macrame ornaments or gorgeous crepe paper pomegranates. Stay tuned for a simple tutorial to make stunning snowflake ornaments out of clay, or browse all of our Christmas DIY projects! We love seeing your fabulous creations, so share your project photos with us on Instagram using #DIYDreamingWithLia. Enjoy! ~ Lia and the Team 

Snowman Ornaments Snowman Ornamentsdscf6131pompomsnowman_tutorial


