Printable Dinosaur Gift Wrap

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We’re all about the dinosaur crafts right now! Last week we shared these happy little dinosaur candy huggers that would be so perfect for a kid’s birthday party. And if you’re going to have a dinosaur-themed party, then you definitely need some printable dinosaur wrapping paper for your gifts.
This wrapping paper is super adorable—and special, too! These dinosaur illustrations were done in-house by our own creative designer Krista. She also designed the candy huggers, which you could also use as gift tags. Doesn’t the triceratops look so cute holding the blue bow below?
A T-Rexcellent Birthday
If your little ones love dinosaurs, they are going to be so excited over this gift wrap. Plus it saves you a shopping trip! Our printable dinosaur wrapping paper is all ready to go. Just choose the design you like best (there are three altogether), and then print it on white tabloid (11″x17″) text weight paper.
Once you’ve printed your wrapping paper, you can use our pictures for some gift wrap inspiration. And if you need any help, make sure to watch my gift wrapping video tutorial. I love making gifts feel more special with custom wrapping paper, a cute bow, and fun gift toppers. And it’s really simple to do too!
Another fun gift idea for kids who love dinosaurs is our felt dinos. We have a Long-neck, T-Rex, and a Stegosaurus! Also, if you have any other dinosaur crafts you’re interested in making, let us know.
Ready to print your gift wrap? Just scroll down to download the PDF.
Get Crafty With Us
Want more ideas for how to plan a fun and meaningful party? Make sure to check out all of our DIY party ideas. We also have a lot more gift wrap ideas if you need them!
For more DIY inspiration, follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. And check out our DIY videos on YouTube.
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