Upcycled Large DIY Easter Basket

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I love upcycling projects. Being able to take an old or worn out object and create something completely new can be such an exciting process! It can reduce clutter in your house, plus it’s a great way to save a bit of money. And of course, it is an opportunity for a fun DIY project. In the past, I have posted projects for small Easter baskets and upcycled fruit baskets. Now that Easter is rolling back around this year, I thought it would be fun to post a new, larger DIY Easter basket for your holiday celebration!
This larger basket will use the same weaving technique as the small basket. To make each large DIY Easter basket, you will need 4-5 brown paper grocery bags. If you are like me, you have way too many grocery bags lying around just waiting to be used! Cut your grocery bags into strips that are 4 inches wide. Follow the step-by-step photo tutorial below for an easy explanation to complete your DIY Easter basket. This project is perfect for kids to use during their Easter egg hunt, and it could be a great activity for an afternoon leading up to the holiday. Surprise your kids by filling these Easter baskets with holiday goodies! Or, incorporate this basket into your Easter decor by creating a beautiful, festive display. Add our felt bunny stuffie, felt Easter eggs, and paper Easter lilies to your DIY Easter basket and use it as a centerpiece for your Easter Brunch table. To add the fake grass to the bottom of our basket, we simply took different shades of green text weight metallic paper and put them through our shredder. After mixing in a bit of shredded green crepe paper, we had some DIY grass!
To see our other Easter ideas and solutions, browse our Easter section or follow our hashtag #EasterWithLia on Instagram. And stay tuned for our Earth Day, Mother’s Day, and graduation projects, coming up after Easter! Learn more about our monthly and annual membership program to never miss a post. Cheers! ~ Lia
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Ask Lia or the community!
Are these all the instructions? I also would love to know how long this may take I’m not super crafty but would like to give it a try if I can get it done by Easter. 🙂
Hi Kate! Yes, the 16-step photo tutorial are all the instructions you need to make this basket. I would guess 45 minutes to an hour on your first try!
I’m curious how long this took other people to make.
Such a lovely basket, very cute for easter eggs.
Have a fantastic day!
Thank you!
I have to tell you a short story about grocery bag baskets. We were stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas and I was sick. My next door neighbor made me a fruit basket out of what we at that time called a commissary bag. At Easter I filled it with the usual stuff and gave it back to her; she returned it to me on Mother’s day with flowers in it. It was a much loved basket but got a little worse for wear. Love your carrots and your basket, will make both.
That’s so nice, Gail. I’m glad this project brings back such nice memories 🙂
love it ^^
Thank you so much!
Ok, I know what I want to do for my grandson. Thanks
You’re so welcome! 🙂
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